Young livestock exhibitors wear many hats. Not only do they provide the daily care for their animals, feeding, washing, exercising and monitoring their health and well-being, but these young exhibitors become spokespeople for the industry they are passionate about. With a fraction of the population engaged in production agriculture, livestock enthusiasts make up a minute percentage of the people who must share the story […]
Mark That Card – Simmental Bulls
Reasons provided by Norther Oklahoma Community College Livestock Judging Team! I’ll rank the Simmental bulls 2134. There’s a pair of bulls up top who I think will prove profitable, but it’s with elite seed stock production in mind where I’ll start 2. It’s hard to make cattle opened up and stout down low while still […]
Advocacy Starts with Sharing your Story
To create advocates in agriculture, we must first be advocates in our industry. Perhaps the best way to create the next generation of spokespeople is to share our story of what we do every day within our own families and operations. Those stories can be shared with peers at school or other organizations or with […]
My Life Changing Summer with BioZyme
People often talk about how an internship can change where you want your future to go, good or bad, and I can say that this summer’s opportunity has given me a firm direction of what I want to do in the best way possible. I want to start by saying thank you to everyone at BioZyme®, […]
Breaking Barriers at BioZyme
When Jessie assigned me to write up a piece encompassing everything I did this summer; I honestly couldn’t even believe we were already at the end of the summer. Eight weeks, six cities, late nights, early mornings and washing many loads of laundry from our hotels. Somehow this summer has flown by but looking back, I can say with full confidence I’ve been able to work alongside some pretty incredible people […]
Mark That Card – Angus Bred Heifers
Thank you, Oklahoma State Livestock Judging Team, for the officials and reasons. Placing: 1-3-2-4Cuts: 4-3-5 1324 is how I like the Angus bred heifers. Not only is 1 neat and feminine upfront but she expands into the kind of boldness and natural dimension that I’m after in Angus cattle. Females that match her kind of […]