Sure Champ®, Simmentals and young people seem to be a winning combination. BioZyme® Inc., understands the importance of developing leaders and is proud to be a sponsor of the American Junior Simmental National Classic, June 24-30 in Madison, Wisconsin. Mia Bayer, American Junior Simmental Association Youth Coordinator, recently took some time out of her busy summer schedule to share with us why she is excited to welcome Simmental families to Wisconsin and why Junior Nationals have a special place in her heart.
By the numbers: 1,202 cattle entered by 585 exhibitors from 31 states and 2 provinces
Sure Champ: Why is it important for young people and their families to participate in the Junior National?
Mia: Participating at a Junior National is not only a chance to showcase your cattle, but it is more importantly an opportunity to grow a family tradition that includes traveling the country, meeting new friends and developing leadership skills that last a lifetime.
Sure Champ: Do you have anything new or special planned for this year’s Junior National?
Mia: We are bringing back the fitting contest this year after a couple of years without it. We are also collecting change as our service project to benefit the Willa James Foundation.
Sure Champ: What is your best piece of advice for exhibitors and participants who are preparing to attend?
Mia: Think ahead and be prepared. Make sure you have checked out required health requirements and that you have all of your registration papers in order. Practice makes perfect, no matter if it is in the show ring or in one of the contests. And maybe the best advice I can give, is don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone; try a new contest, introduce yourself to someone new and walk into the ring like it’s your time to shine.
Sure Champ: How does the Simmental Junior National set itself apart from other youth events?
Mia: Involvement in educational contests is not only expected at junior nationals, but also required! An exhibitor must participate in 4 of the 5 contests in order to participate in the cattle show and showmanship. Top 20 in each age division in each contest is awarded. At the awards ceremony all the contest points, showmanship and cattle show points all come to together to award a top 20 overall with the winner of each age division getting the chance to ring the coveted Swiss bell.
Sure Champ: What is your best Junior National Memory?
Mia: I have had so many great junior national memories with my family; from successful days in the show ring to watching my kids reach goals that they set for themselves, but some of my best memories have happened on the long drives in the truck. The hours on the road have led to some of best talks, laughs and memories.
Mia has some great advice – be prepared before you leave home with your paperwork, practice for those numerous contests and make lots of memories with your friends and family! There is no replacement for the time you will spend as you #PreptoWin, and we hope you will definitely take some time to visit the Sure Champ Team when you are in Madison! See you this Summer!