“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
It seems fitting that high school senior Hayden Lovelady is inspired by Thomas Edison’s quote. He’s one to seek out every opportunity he can and is not afraid to work for what he wants. Especially if the opportunity is to share the story of production agriculture and where food and fiber come from.
Lovelady got his start in the show ring with a rabbit project in 4-H. He found his passion for the goat project in fifth grade and has shown them locally and at Texas majors ever since. He has also shown lambs but always finds his way back to goats. His love for showing livestock and involvement in youth programs evolved into a more profound passion for leadership and advocacy.
He is the FFA chapter president at Iowa Park High School in Texas, an Area IV FFA Association Vice President and heavily involved in Wichita County 4-H and community service projects. The second-year member of the NRS Show Team uses his livestock projects as a vehicle to communicate ag’s message to not only those in his age group but also to a broader audience, primarily using YouTube to share the message about agriculture.
“Ag is so important. I love being in a position of leadership and being able to share my experiences. A lot of kids don’t know where their food comes from, but their faces light up when I talk to them and they learn and they see an animal for the first time,” Lovelady said.
If at First you Don’t Succeed
Just like Lovelady never misses an opportunity to share his passion for ag, he never misses the prospect of getting involved. The first time he applied for the NRS Show Team, he wasn’t accepted; however, he persevered and applied again. He was humbled and proud to get on the team his junior year and is looking even more forward to a second year of serving on the team that is sponsored in part by Sure Champ®. The purpose of the NRS Show Team is to “create brand advocates for NRS and its involvement in the livestock show industry by investing in young showmen of various disciplines.”
“It is really cool to be around so many people that are as passionate and the same caliber as me. We are all on the same page, and all want to advocate for agriculture,” he said.
The NRS Show Team works to create awareness by helping and showing at livestock shows and through social media posts, according to Lovelady.
Prep to Win
Although he uses skills like public speaking to help him excel in broadcasting and leadership roles, Lovelady knows his livestock need a little more than pep talks from him to excel in the show ring. That is why he relies on products from Vita Charge® powered by Amaferm®, especially when traveling to the shows.
“I’m a huge fan of the Vita Charge Gel. I use it on my goats when traveling, to keep them eating,” he said.
He also has used the Vita Charge Liquid Boost to keep his stock hydrated, knowing when they drink, they eat and perform to their optimum.
Although this is his last year in the ring, Lovelady plans to attend Texas A&M University. His goal is to study agribusiness, economics and finances and ultimately work as a financier for ranchers, farmers or other agricultural businesses to help bridge the disconnects between the business/economic and application sides of the industry.
Wherever he ends up, we know that Lovelady will always be a voice for agriculture. He makes us #AgProud in his pursuits.