Prom season is upon us, so we asked our fans to share their “promposal” stories for a chance to be featured on our blog. After reading through all of the amazing stories, we were so impressed with the creativity and the dedication to the #stockshowlife! Here are just a few of our favorites:
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Texas Major Livestock Shows: Storied in History, Creating Opportunities for Future
“Everything is bigger in Texas,” and that includes livestock shows. There’s no better time for youth involved in livestock projects than January through March when Texas major livestock show season takes place. Rich in history and offering opportunities for the youth, young people in the Lonestar State have the opportunity to shine in the show […]
Setting Goals, Working Hard Are Integral Parts of Livestock Showing
For many, livestock showing is a way of life. For others, it is a hobby. For some, showing livestock is like a sport—a competition that they can’t get out of their blood. No matter why you decide to make livestock showing a part of your lifestyle, there is one thing you should consider. You will […]