A Guide to Show Goat Supplies 

Showing goats is a fun youth livestock project. However, it takes a certain amount of time and resources to make the project successful. Like any livestock species, goats require more than just a feed bucket and some T.L.C. to find their way to the backdrop. Certain show goat supplies are necessary just for the barn, and others are important for showing. 

The Sure Champ® team is passionate about helping you #preptowin. We have a little first-hand experience with our show goats, so we want to share a list of show goat supplies you might need along the way. Remember, we are not experts, but we have had a little experience. We also don’t endorse one brand over another – find what works best for you and your family. 

Who is Sure Champ? Sure Champ is a product line that supports show livestock’s health and well-being. Our products are a vital addition to your feed room and show box. But we’ll talk more about supplements later. For now, let’s dive into the show goat supplies you need to get started in the project. 

Supplies to Get Started with Goats 

Before you even bring your goats home, you will need a few basic supplies. Make sure you have a pen set up that is large enough to accommodate your goat or goats. If your goat is used to being with other goats, there is no reason not to pen them together initially. You will want to be sure have a clean pen that has been sprayed with Prolate before putting bedding down. Some people bed with cedar fiber or cedar mulch only as a way how to prevent, treat mites on goats. Others will put a base of cedar bedding down and then bed with pine shavings. 

Once you have a pen cleaned and bedded, you will need feed pans, a water bucket and a hay feeder. We recommend feeding each goat in its individual feed pan. Secure the water bucket with a chain or a bucket hanger so the goats don’t tip it over and spill water. Be sure it is hung at a height that the goats can easily access. Finally, since goats are ruminants, they need access to hay, and we recommend using a hay feeder or feed pay so their hay doesn’t get mixed with bedding or waste. Now that you have a clean pen set up, you’re ready to bring your goats home to your barn!  

Show Goat Supplies for Daily Work 

You will want to work with your goats each day to tame them down and practice showing them once they are tame. Spend the first few days they are in your barn, just getting them used to you. Once they are familiar with you and their new surroundings, it is time to start tying them up and working on getting them to stand like you want them to while showing. There are several halters on the market. However, our preference is a chain halterRope halters are another option.  

If you don’t want to tie them, you can also put them in these single show racks. This trains them to stand with their heads up, and while they are standing you can teach them to stand with their feet set the way you would set them while showing. Many people will also use these to secure their goats when they are washing or rinsing. 

If you don’t want to initially invest in both a single show rack and a goat stand, a goat stand is a better option. This elevated stand is used to wash, dry and brush goats at your level. One thing to remember – don’t leave goats unattended any time you tie them or put them on either stand. 

Show Goat Supplies for Hair & Skin 

Show goat supplies for hair and skin provide a plethora of options. But here’s what you need to know. You will want to find a good conditioning shampoo that doesn’t dry out the skin and can get your white goat white. Find a good scrub brush that you dedicate to the wash rack. You will also need a blower and a few varieties of combs and brushes

Just like you probably have a favorite hair care product or a favorite brand of anything, multiple choices exist when it comes to skin and hair products for goats. It’s up to you to select what products you are comfortable with, what is most readily accessible to you and what works best for you. Both Sullivan Supply and Weaver Livestock provide quality show goat supplies. Many BioZyme dealers also sell show goat supplies at their locations. Find a daily leave-in spray that helps condition hair and skin and promotes healthy hair growth. 

In addition to products promoting hair growth, you will need clippers and clipper guards to remove the hair before the show. Once again, this is a personal preference, and you should check with your breeder or someone you trust before investing in a pair of clippers.  

Additionally, you will also want to invest in a good pair of hoof trimmers. Trim feet periodically throughout the show season, but not the day of the show. 

Finally, after you have spent so much time working with skin and hair, you want to keep it looking clean. Goat blankets are a great investment to keep your goats clean and white. Buy multiple sizes to grow with your goat, as you want them snug – not tight – so your goat doesn’t get hung up in its blanket.  

Packing your Trailer with Show Goat Supplies  

When it comes time to go showing, you will need many of the same things you need at home – a stand, blower, combs, brushes, soap and clippers. You will also need more supplies to ensure your goat is ready to show. Always check the show rules to know the fitting policies as some don’t allow powders, paints or adhesives.  

However, if you are going to a full-fit show, you will want to prepare with show goat supplies to maximize your show experience. These supplies include a soft brush, baby powder, show adhesive for fitting legs and a finishing spray.  

Be sure to pack show-day feed and hay for your goat. Finally, for the show ring, you will want to have a chain for your exhibitor to show your goat.  

Show Goat Supplies Include Sure Champ 

From soaps to blowers and brushes to halters, you have a lot of choices in show goat supplies! One choice we hope you make is to include Sure Champ as your supplement to keep your goat eating and healthy.  

Sure Champ offers supplements for all species of show livestock. Most Sure Champ supplements contain AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a research-proven prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility. Here are some that we suggest that you might want to keep in your feed room and in your show box. 

Sure Champ®Extreme with ClariFly®    

Sure Champ Extreme with ClariFlyis a pelleted, daily supplement for show livestock with ClariFly designed to support hoof health, hair coat, and performance when temperatures are above 70 degrees. We Extreme is suitable to all species and it contains Amaferm. It also contains HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils and garlic, as well as ClariFly to support animals when heat and insects are a challenge.    

Sure Champ®Liquid Boost®   

Sure Champ Liquid Boost is a liquid for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. Formerly known as Vita Charge Liquid Boost, it contains both Amaferm and MOS and flavoring to help drive feed or water intake.    

Sure Champ®Appetite Plus Gel   

Sure Champ Appetite Plus Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. Formerly known as Vita Charge Gel, it contains both Amaferm and MOS and works fast to support appetite and hydration.   

Sure Champ®Climate Control Gel   

Sure Champ Climate Control Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to support digestive health and recovery when temperatures exceed 70 degrees. Formerly known as Vita Charge Climate Control, this gel contains Amaferm and HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils, to support animals when heat is a challenge. It promotes appetite and water intake.    

Sure Champ®Clench Gel   

Sure Champ Clench Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. Formerly known as Vita Charge Clench Gel, it includes Amaferm and MOS and contains electrolytes to support rehydration.    

Sure Champ®Joint Juice   

Sure Champ Joint Juice is a liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice contains MHB3®, a patented high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid. It lubricates joints and supports mobility and soundness.    

Prep to Win with Sure Champ 

Although showing goats is fun, it also takes work to get to the backdrop. We hope you find this guide to show goat supplies helpful. And we hope that part of your routine will include Sure Champ products.   

You can get your Sure Champ products as easily as ordering online today.      

Do you prefer to support a local Sure Champ dealer? Find a dealer near you to find all your favorite Sure Champ and other BioZyme products.      

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