A cattle show is much like your senior prom. You’ve waited months for the “big dance.” You’ve got the perfect date, and that date isn’t going to disappoint. In this case, your date is the calf you’ve had in the barn for months and getting it ready for show is not something to take lightly. […]
Tag: cattle
Texas Major Livestock Shows: Storied in History, Creating Opportunities for Future
“Everything is bigger in Texas,” and that includes livestock shows. There’s no better time for youth involved in livestock projects than January through March when Texas major livestock show season takes place. Rich in history and offering opportunities for the youth, young people in the Lonestar State have the opportunity to shine in the show […]
Sure Champ® Offers Show Cattle Supplements
2025. A new year means a new chance to set goals, work hard and prep to win. New show strings of cattle are hitting the road to winter jackpots and national shows like National Western. Meanwhile some might be reaching their endpoints at National Western and the Texas majors. Regardless of whether you are getting […]
Sure Champ® Offers Livestock Showmanship Tips for Success
Every once in a while, there is a bond that is so strong that it can only exist between exhibitor and animal. But that bond takes time together, hours of practice and patience. Once that bond is created, the duo can be a force to be reckoned with in a livestock showmanship competition. Livestock showmanship […]
Setting Goals, Working Hard Are Integral Parts of Livestock Showing
For many, livestock showing is a way of life. For others, it is a hobby. For some, showing livestock is like a sport—a competition that they can’t get out of their blood. No matter why you decide to make livestock showing a part of your lifestyle, there is one thing you should consider. You will […]
Prevent Cold Stress in Cattle
Most would agree that show calves live a fairly lavish life. They get a balanced meal twice a day, daily skin and hair treatments, exercise and are tied in under fans or in a cooler room most of the time. However, as the temperatures drop and show schedules change, so does some of the daily […]