Showing pigs is fun. Nothing is quite as rewarding as getting the slap or handshake indicating that months of hard work have paid off with a championship. And much of that work is the science behind feeding the right diet to your pigs. Diet, exercise, skin and hair are all integral parts of prepping to […]
Tag: Sure Champ Appetite Plus Gel
Sure Champ® Offers Show Cattle Supplements
2025. A new year means a new chance to set goals, work hard and prep to win. New show strings of cattle are hitting the road to winter jackpots and national shows like National Western. Meanwhile some might be reaching their endpoints at National Western and the Texas majors. Regardless of whether you are getting […]
Setting Goals, Working Hard Are Integral Parts of Livestock Showing
For many, livestock showing is a way of life. For others, it is a hobby. For some, showing livestock is like a sport—a competition that they can’t get out of their blood. No matter why you decide to make livestock showing a part of your lifestyle, there is one thing you should consider. You will […]
A Guide to Showing Pigs
Showing Pigs Showing pigs is a great family project. Young livestock enthusiasts get to meet new friends, travel to different places they have never been before, and spend time with their family and friends. Showing pigs teaches young people the responsibility of caring for another living being. It involves daily feedings, washing, exercising and forming […]
A Guide to Show Cattle Nutrition
Show Cattle Nutrition Show cattle nutrition is a lot more complex than taking a feed scoop and filling a feed pan. You want to make sure your show cattle have the balanced nutrition they need. A balanced show cattle ration includes protein, energy, fat, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and supplements. Additionally, you will want to […]
Livestock Feed Rations are Integral to Making Champions at Home
Livestock Feed Rations Ask anyone who shows livestock what the hardest part is to get one ready, and the answers will likely vary. Some might say breaking an animal to lead or drive. Others might say working hair and skin. Yet other livestock exhibitors will tell you that having one dialed in on show day […]