If you are even somewhat familiar with the Bible or early American History, you’ll likely notice an absence of mention of livestock shows and expositions. However, Psalm 50:10, does mention “cattle on a thousand hills” and we know that Spanish explorers brought the first cattle to current-day Florida in the early 1500s. However, it wasn’t […]
Tag: Sure Champ Extreme
Tips to Control Body Temps in Adverse Weather
From an outsider looking in, the life of a show animal might seem pretty pampered. Two healthy meals per day, unlimited fresh water, a nice bed to lay on that is generally cleaned up on a regular basis, typically in a temperature-controlled environment. Combine those comforts with regular skin and hair treatments by way of […]
Manage Heat Stress in Your Show Livestock Projects
We’ve hit the hottest days of summer just as many livestock exhibitors are preparing for county and state fairs. No matter the hours of work and preparation you’ve put into your livestock projects, heat stress is a challenge to plan for and manage. While we typically think about heat stress in extreme temperatures, the reality […]