
Danny Harker

Sure Champ®

“We feed VitaFerm® to all the show cattle year-round, but introduce Sure Champ® as a top dress about two weeks before the show and keep them on it through the show. Amaferm® is the biggest advantage to feeding the highly palatable Sure Champ because it helps stimulates their appetites and keeps them on feed, helping them look their best on show day.”

Sure Champ® Climate Control (transitioned to Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel July 2019)

“Even with air conditioning, our steer was panting and not drinking as much as we wanted him to, so we decided to give the Sure Champ® Climate Control a shot. We noticed a very big difference right away. He increased his water consumption, stopped panting and seemed more comfortable once we started using Climate Control, even while standing under lights being fitted. We’ll definitely use Climate Control on this steer and our Angus heifer that we are taking to the Indiana State Fair.”