
Kristin Luchsinger

“I was just introduced to the Vita Charge® products in April. My son was in his first year showing beef and he won a Vita Charge Stress Tub at a fitting clinic. We gave it to his steer that had been struggling with his appetite and he absolutely took off gaining weight and staying on feed. I was completely blown away at how quickly the steer took off gaining plus the increase in appetite! Once warmer temps hit, I switched the steer to a Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT® and even took it to our county fair with him as temps reached 100 that week. I can’t say enough about the quality of products or the results we’ve seen, especially with the show steer! I give so much credit to my son’s success his 1st year to your products! I can’t wait to see the results in next year’s future show cattle.”