The life of a show pig isn’t always an easy one. Although producers and exhibitors go to great lengths to care for their animals, pigs go through a lot of transitions in their short life, and with each change, stress occurs. Consider the fact that the average litter size is 10-12 pigs, the little piglet […]
Spick and Span :: Disinfect your Barn for Preventative Maintenance
Livestock exhibitors across much of the country have just wrapped up another year with their livestock projects, while in other regions young exhibitors are just thinking about buying their next set of animals for winter shows. Before you introduce any new livestock into your barn, make sure you have properly cleaned and disinfected it to […]
It All Starts With Good Help and a Great Mineral
In an era when fads come and go and trends change with the seasons, Greg Beatty believes in keeping the basics of livestock nutrition at the core of his feeding program. Beatty Club Lambs, located in Indiana, Pennsylvania, flushes about 30 ewes in the late summer and fall, prioritizing a flush program to generate consistency […]
Getting Involved Provides Opportunities to Grow
For Cody Jensen taking chances and getting involved has opened many doors. One of the biggest doors opened for this young Kansas native when he decided to run for the National Junior Hereford Board, a decision he made at the last minute, and was elected. Through his involvement on the board, he eventually was […]
Mark That Card: Brown Swiss 2 Year Old Cow Results
Thank you to the Korth Family for providing the class and to Mary Mackinson Faber, Mackinson Dairy Farm for providing the official placings and reasons. To view more livestock judging classes click here. Placing: 1-4-2-3 Cuts: 2-5-2 I place this class of Brown Swiss 2 yr olds 1-4-2-3. A handy winner for me, 1 has an advantage […]
Overcoming the Commingling Conundrums
If you are a parent, you understand about the ‘back to school sniffles’ and even though most kids return to school in the heat of summer, they are likely to show up with some type of cold or congestion within the first few weeks of school. They are in a new, enclosed environment with countless […]