Through the Judge’s Eyes: Hoge Evaluates all Angles, Looks for Eye of a Tiger

Growing up, showing your own livestock and being the child of a distinguished livestock evaluator isn’t always easy. Just ask Mark Hoge. However, because he “suffered from the randomness of being Dan Hoge’s son,” he decided early on, if he was ever afforded the chance to judge a show, he would be positive and do what he believes in.   “I always told myself if I ever got the […]

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Through the Judge’s Eyes: Callis Looks for Courteous Confidence

Brandon Callis is no stranger to the show ring or the cattle industry. He grew up with grandparents who raised both registered Brahman and commercial cattle in South Texas, and his dad was a 4-H Extension Agent, demonstrating at a young age how to make an impact on youth. Callis was active in 4-H and FFA and showed several of the smaller […]

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4 Steps to Getting Market Animals Ready for Their Final Shows

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. This rings true if you are in a job interview, on a first date or leading or driving your favorite animal into the ring. Sure, you and your family have had the opportunity to spend hours, even days studying structure, muscle, condition, hair and […]

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4 Tips to Successfully Breaking your Show Goat

We’re not kidding around when we say the competition in the goat show ring has really heated up over the years. Young exhibitors from coast to coast have taken to Boer goats, and their popularity has grown significantly.   The young kids might appear cute and somewhat friendly; however, they take the same time, diligence and patience […]

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Stick to the Basics When Selecting your Show Goat Prospect

  Showing market goats has grown in immense popularity during the past two decades. As the competition has become more popular, the number of high-quality breeders has increased and the quality of show wethers has improved as a result of that. But, what should you look for in a show goat that can get you to the […]

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How to Get Lambs Ready for the Show Ring

Spring lamb jackpot shows are right around the corner. By now, most young people should have their lambs purchased and on a good nutrition program to ensure the lambs are healthy and growing. But what about getting them ready for their first show and each show after that? Charlie Hild, part owner of Hild Bros […]

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