Five Minutes with Mia Bayer: #PreptoWin Advice for a Simmental Summer

Sure Champ®, Simmentals and young people seem to be a winning combination. BioZyme® Inc., understands the importance of developing leaders and is proud to be a sponsor of the American Junior Simmental National Classic, June 24-30 in Madison, Wisconsin. Mia Bayer, American Junior Simmental Association Youth Coordinator, recently took some time out of her busy […]

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Show Prep takes Organization, Communication

There is surely nothing better to teach young people valuable skills and responsibilities than spending time in the barn. And for many, the weeklong “junior national” shows become family vacations and reunions with friends and show families across the country. Countless hours, nights and weekends have been spent walking, washing, brushing and feeding your pig […]

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Sure Champ® Announces Three Summer Interns

Three college seniors have been named Sure Champ Summer Interns for BioZyme® Inc. Jacob Johnson, John Hogberg and Garrett Maloney will work to promote the Sure Champ brands, learn more about marketing, sales and provide unique outreach opportunities to young people this summer on the Sure Champ Summer Show Tour. “We couldn’t be more excited […]

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Sure Champ ® Extreme is Now Available with ClariFly ®

Show livestock get some of the best care possible. At BioZyme®Inc., we want to make sure it stays that way. When springtime temperatures start to climb, another stressor becomes more apparent–flies. That is why BioZyme has now formulated Sure Champ®Extreme with ClariFly®, to combat the elevated temperature and stop flies in their larval stage. SureChamp […]

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Lessons in Leadership: Late Bloomer Shares Love for Learning

It’s never too late to get involved in leadership positions. That is the message that Chris Cassady, Ph.D.,Technical Sales Field Manager for BioZyme® Inc., shares with young people who want to get involved, but think they have missed the opportunity. Cassady was active in the Illinois and National Junior Angus Associations, showing cattle across the […]

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Lessons in Leadership: Advisor Exposes Youth to Bigger World

Some people are born leaders, regardless of if they seek a position of leadership or not. But as a young girl from rural Iowa, Lindsey Broek wasn’t even aware of the possibilities that existed for her. Although she grew up on her family’s small Charolais operation and was involved in 4-H, she admits that softball […]

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