Keep Your Cattle on the Go at a Show

By Josh Brockman, Brockman Farms Livestock projects are many things: fun, exciting, addicting and an enjoyable a family event. Like most any other opportunity in life they are also hard work, expensive, time consuming and competitive. Showing cattle is unique to other species because of the time they spend on feed. Whether it is heifers or […]

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Preparing Livestock for the Show: Weight Management

By Josh Brockman, Brockman Farms What’s the right thing to do? That’s a question I ask myself for every situation when it comes to livestock, but it’s especially true when it comes to feeding and preparing for a show from a weight standpoint. The first and most important factor to consider is to “Get a Plan” and […]

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Proactive Approach to Pig Health

by Jason Lackey, Sure Champ Pig Specialist and Lackey Livestock Feeding pigs can become a complicated, often frustrating, process with all of the feed and supplement options available – but it shouldn’t be. One of the things I was taught at a young age was that when feeding livestock of any specie, you should keep […]

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4 Ways to Successfully Commingle Pigs

By Jason Lackey, Lackey Livestock As the summer continues to fly by, it is quickly approaching that time when the search will begin for your next champion. As the costs to feed and purchase a project continue to increase, the importance and peace of mind of having a healthy pig that grows fast and efficiently is […]

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Keeping Your Sows Healthy with Amaferm

By Jason Lackey, Sure Champ Swine Specialist In any livestock production business, the ultimate goal is for our females to produce progeny that are high quality, efficient, and will help contribute to the bottom line. Although much time is spent evaluating the genetic merit of these females and what their impact will be from that […]

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Opportunity Knocks During the Grazing Season

By Dennis Delaney, Inside Sales Manager Spring and early summer generally offer conditions long on grass and short on stress. Cows are in peak milk production, calves are at the most efficient period of their lives, and forages are at their best. Successful producers seize this opportunity to capture maximum pounds of beef per acre, […]

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