A cattle show is much like your senior prom. You’ve waited months for the “big dance.” You’ve got the perfect date, and that date isn’t going to disappoint. In this case, your date is the calf you’ve had in the barn for months and getting it ready for show is not something to take lightly. It will take more than just a quick bath before you’re ready to take that date to the dance.
Grooming cattle for show starts at home, and it begins with the ideal combination of good genetics, proper nutrition and daily care in the barn.
Sure Champ® is a line of products that support the health and well-being of show livestock. Our team isn’t just a bunch of wallflowers; we get out there and dance! We know what the late nights and early mornings are like. We show cattle just like you do, and we want to help you get ready for the big dance. So, let’s boogie.
Grooming Cattle for Show: Start with Proper Nutrition
Just like your skin and hair health is determined by what you eat and drink, your show calves are no different. Show cattle nutrition is not much different from our nutrition. Cattle require a balanced ration of protein, energy and carbohydrates. They need fresh, clean water. As ruminants, they need high-quality hay to keep their rumen functioning. And they need vitamins and minerals.
One way to ensure your cattle get the nutrients they need is with Sure Champ® Cattle. Sure Champ Cattle is a pelleted, daily supplement with protein, vitamins and minerals for show livestock designed to support performance. It contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. Additionally, it stimulates consistent appetite and ensures that cattle receive adequate vitamins and minerals.
Daily Skin & Hair Care Begins at Home
Preparing for the “big dance” or the “big show” starts months before the actual event. Rinse your calf daily and work its hair with a blower and brush. It isn’t necessary to wash your calf each day, as soap strips the skin of essential oils that keep it hydrated. However, a bath with quality shampoo once or twice a week is a good idea.
Be sure to rehydrate hair and skin with an oil or sheen when working hair each day. Various products are available from both Sullivan Supply and Weaver Livestock. Select the products that work best for you.
Barber Shop – Cattle Style
It’s not quite Gangnam Style, but your calf might feel ganged up on when one or more people start clipping on it to take off its long winter coat. Your calf will probably need to be clipped a few times before its first show – at least once to take the rough off and again to shape it up. If you are new to showing, a breeder or experienced fitter will likely help you clip your calf the first few times. If not, here is a clipping guide: we are not experienced fitters.
Don’t Forget the Toes
Most girls won’t go to the big dance without a pedicure, and we recommend one for your show calf, too. A visit to the hoof trimmer about 45-60 days before a show is a good idea. Remember, first impressions count, and when you enter that show ring, the judge’s first impression of you and your calf will be how free and easy that calf gets around the ring. Movement starts from the ground up. Making sure feet are in good shape (literally) is a great idea, and having a trusted foot trimmer is an excellent investment.
Date Night: Grooming Cattle for Show
The show day has arrived. Your hard work and preparation at home on skin and hair should help grooming cattle for show on the big day go smoother. There is something to groom on your calf from head to tail. Remember to check each show’s rules, as they all have variations of grooming cattle for show. Some shows allow full fit. Some are blow-and-go, meaning there is no fitting allowed. Some shows allow paint to cover up the adhesive, other shows or even breeds don’t allow paint at all.
It usually takes a team of people 45 minutes to 1.5 hours to fully fit your calf on show day. Think of this as a group of friends getting ready for the dance putting finishing touches on hair and makeup. Someone needs to pull the leg hair up and ahead, giving the legs a big, stout appearance. Clip the top line so it looks thick and expressive, ball the tail to an appropriate length and width, adding dimension to the hind quarter. Finally, complete any last-minute clipping on the neck and underline to give your animal a clean, smooth appearance.
During the fitting process and on show day, ensure your calf stays hydrated and full, giving it a natural bloom and shape. The best way to do this is with some hay, water and Sure Champ® Cattle Drench. Sure Champ Cattle Drench is a drench for cattle designed to support digestive health before, during and after challenges. Formerly known as Vita Charge Cattle Drench, it contains enzymes that generate a more rapid digestive response. It also contains Amaferm and MOS (mannan oligosaccharides), which help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system.
Dance your Way to the Backdrop with Sure Champ
We know that champions are made at home, and you’ll be dancing with the stars when you prep to win with supplements from Sure Champ! In addition to Sure Champ Cattle and Drench, we make multiple other products for occasional stress, as well as Sure Champ Joint Juice.
Everyone has personal and professional preferences when it comes to grooming cattle for show. One thing everyone can agree on – good nutrition and daily skin and hair care lays a solid foundation.
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