Every once in a while, there is a bond that is so strong that it can only exist between exhibitor and animal. But that bond takes time together, hours of practice and patience. Once that bond is created, the duo can be a force to be reckoned with in a livestock showmanship competition.
Livestock showmanship is unlike most classes that the judge will evaluate at a show. In this special class, the exhibitor, not the animal, is judged on how well they presents their animal. Showmanship skills develop over time. Although some exhibitors have more finesse than others, there are definite traits and skills that you will need to sort your way to the top of the class.
At Sure Champ®, we want to help all livestock exhibitors prep to win, regardless of which species they are showing. We know it takes hours of work, long days and nights spent in the barn and a relationship built on trust with your animal to win a showmanship contest. As the industry grows and develops, the competition gets steeper across the country, raising the bar for everyone.
Livestock Showmanship Tips for Success
The Work Begins at Home
Don’t go to a show and think just because your animal is show broke, you are ready to win a showmanship contest. Have you practiced showing your animal at home? Have you regularly practiced and anticipated every scenario?
The key to having a successful relationship with your animal – every show animal – is working diligently with them at home. That means spending time walking them, time on the wash rack, working hair and skin and in a mock show ring setting.
For cattle, lambs and goats, practice the following:
- Leading
- Setting feet & legs and eventually “walking” them into a set
- Keeping their heads up at the desired level
- Bracing (lambs & goats)
- Side profile views
- Side-by-side views
- Avoiding show ring holes
- Pulling out and circling in the proper motion
For pigs, practice:
- Driving with their heads elevated
- Driving your pig for long periods to build stamina
- Keeping the pig between you and the judge
- Penning your pig when asked
- Going to a scale
- Changing sides while driving
- Keeping your pig out of show ring holes
- Stopping and keeping your pig relaxed at the judge’s request
The Value of Show Ring Presence
Troy Goretska, BioZyme® Area Sales Manager for Iowa and Illinois, has raised four kids with various species in and around the show ring. He said that exhibitors who aim to win livestock showmanship need to have show ring presence and awareness.
“It is critical that kids go up and watch a few classes before their class to see how a judge is working the class,” Goretska said. “Is the judge pulling from bottom to top or top to bottom? Is he sending animals to the scale, and if so, how many does he weigh in each class?”
A general ring awareness before even entering the ring tells the judge that you are here for business. You’ve done your homework. Scope out any uneven ground in the ring, and avoid holes or low ground, which can make your animal look off.
Show your Animal to Win
Although livestock showmanship is about the exhibitor’s skills, your animal should be calm and broke enough to show like you would in any confirmation class. Goretska encourages exhibitors to show their animals in showmanship as they would in class and show their animals in class as they would in showmanship – to win.
“There is no need to do anything special to present your animal in showmanship. Know the show ring, know the judge and go out and make your animal look the best you can,” he said.
Little Things Add Up
You’ve done your work at home. You’ve watched the classes at the show and know who the judge is and how she works. Now, it is time for the details. Here are a few details that could be the difference between first and second place in your next livestock showmanship competition.
Look Professional
At Sure Champ, we don’t care what brand of jeans, shirt or shoes you wear. It looks like you care and didn’t roll out of bed at 4 a.m. (even if you did). Dark jeans, a tucked-in shirt and a belt look nice on a young exhibitor. We know that some species get a little more relaxed, and when it gets hot, young ladies like a cooler more flowing shirt. However, for showmanship, a tucked-in shirt looks best.
Caps Off, Hair Back
Looking professional starts at the top. If you are a girl or young lady with long hair, please keep it out of your face. Many styles exist for longer hair, but a simple ponytail, braid or bun keeps your hair under control so you can focus on your animal and not your hair.
While many people like to sport a Western hat, keep the ball caps off. A cap says you are covering up messed up hair or serving as a walking billboard. A cowboy hat is classy and looks nice as long as it is in season, but please keep your ball caps at your show box.
No Gum Zone
The show ring is no place for chewing gum. The more nervous you get, the more apt you are to chomp away. Yes, that might catch the judge’s eye, but it isn’t the type of attention you want in the ring. Be sure to spit your gum out before the event begins.
Be Prepared with Equipment
Before you even head to the staging area or make-up area, ensure you have everything you need to present your animal. Do you have a show stick or scotch comb for your calf? A brush and whip for your pig? The right halter or chain for your small ruminant?
One Chance to Make a First Impression
No matter if it is your first showmanship class or your last, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Take your animal into the ring with confidence. Know where the judge is and know how to present your animal to look its absolute best.
While you are at it, be sure to keep it feeling its best with products from Sure Champ. Sure Champ is a line of products that support the health and well-being of show livestock.
You can get your Sure Champ products by ordering online today.
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