Show Goat Feeding Secrets for Success 

If you’ve been around show goats for even a short amount of time, you’ve figured out they are picky eaters. Perhaps, the only being more finicky is a toddler hooked on chicken nuggets. The frustrating part is your feeding schedule never changes. Yet, one feeding they might completely slick up the feed pan, and the next, they turn up their cute little noses and refuse to eat. 

At Sure Champ®, we understand your frustration because we have been there! Although those goats are cute, if they aren’t eating, they aren’t winning! We want to help you prep to win and that’s why we want to share our show goat feeding secrets for success. 

Remember, Sure Champ® is a line of products that support the health and well-being of show livestock. Our mission: make an undeniable positive impact on the health and wellness of your animals. 

Top 5 Show Goat Feeding Secrets 

We wouldn’t share our show goat feeding secrets for success with just anyone. However, we do like to see young livestock exhibitors succeed. Here’s our countdown: 

5. Stay Consistent 

Goats, like most animals, like routine. Do not abruptly change their feed or their feeding schedule. If you do need to transition their feed, do so gradually with some old feed with new feed over a few days. Feed them at the same times each day so they know when to expect their grain. 

4. Keep Them On Feed 

Keeping an animal on feed is vital to keeping them growing and gaining. Goats aren’t just picky eats, but they also pick at their food. If your schedule allows space out their meals during the day to give them several small meals throughout the day, instead of two large meals. 

Another way to ensure they keep eating is to keep up with parasite control. Troy Goretska, BioZyme® Area Sales Manager for Iowa and Illinois and goat breeder, suggests a regular deworming protocol. He administers Dectomax weekly for three weeks anytime a new show goat is brought into the barn. Every month the goat receives Dectomax and an oral dewormer, which helps boost appetite. 

3. Hay There 

Goats are ruminants, which means they have four stomach compartments. Their unique digestive system relies on forages like grass and hay, so your show goats require hay daily. Be sure to give them hay morning and night after their primary feedings to aid in digestion.   

2. Fresh Water 

Give your show goats clean, fresh water twice a day, and make sure their water bucket is clean, too. Water intake and appetite work synergistically, and if they drink, they will eat. Don’t forget the Sure Champ® Liquid Boost®. Liquid Boost is designed for all livestock to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. Some show exhibitors put it in the water daily, some once a week. Some people drench their goats with it weekly. Others only use it during times of stress, like when traveling to a show. Liquid Boost is a great product to have in your barn and in your show box to keep your goat drinking, and the fruit punch flavor masks chlorine at shows. 

1. Sure Champ at Home & On the Road

Our number one show goat feeding secret for success is to stock up on Sure Champ for your feed room and show box. Sure Champ offers supplements for all species of show livestock. Most Sure Champ supplements contain AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a research-proven prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility.  

We’ve already mentioned using Sure Champ Liquid Boost in your water or as a drench, but here are some other Sure Champ products to keep your goats eating.   

Sure Champ® Extreme with ClariFly®     

Sure Champ Extreme with ClariFlyis a pelleted, daily supplement for show livestock with ClariFly designed to support hoof health, hair coat, and performance when temperatures are above 70 degrees. Designed for all species, it contains Amaferm and MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system. It also contains HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils and garlic, as well as ClariFly to support animals when heat and insects are a challenge.    

Sure Champ® Appetite Plus Gel    

Sure Champ Appetite Plus Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. It contains both Amaferm and MOS and works fast to support appetite and hydration.   

Sure Champ® Climate Control Gel    

Sure Champ Climate Control Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to support digestive health and recovery when temperatures are above 70 degrees. This gel contains Amaferm and HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils, to support animals when heat is a challenge. It promotes appetite and water intake.    

Get Your Sure Champ Today 

We hope these show goat feeding secrets help you as you prep to win. We know goats can be picky, but with Sure Champ products, consistency and fresh, clean water, hopefully your goats’ appetites will soar!  

You can get your Sure Champ products as easily as ordering online today.         

Do you prefer to support a local Sure Champ dealer? Find a dealer near you to find all your favorite Sure Champ and other BioZyme products.         

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