How to Maximize the Space in your Trailer

Packing a trailer for a show can feel like a life-size version of Tetris. You have a limited amount of space with a long list of show supplies, equipment and feed that you and your livestock will need when you reach your destination. It doesn’t take a high-level engineering class to figure out how to […]

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How Three Clicks Can Help Lead to Improved Health

Good health starts in the gut. If your digestive tract is healthy, the rest of your body should be healthy, and that is true for humans and animals alike. However, you don’t always have control over your environment, what or who has been in your space before you, and that is why it is vital […]

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Tips to Control Body Temps in Adverse Weather

From an outsider looking in, the life of a show animal might seem pretty pampered. Two healthy meals per day, unlimited fresh water, a nice bed to lay on that is generally cleaned up on a regular basis, typically in a temperature-controlled environment. Combine those comforts with regular skin and hair treatments by way of […]

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Walking a Fine Line: How to Feed for Early Jackpots and Later Shows

There’s something about the spirit of competition that drives livestock exhibitors. Even in the dead of winter, cattle enthusiasts will bundle up, run bucket heaters to keep their aerosol cans working and pull to a jackpot show for consecutive weekends to get their fresh calves out to compete. All of this knowing that their final […]

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