Mark That Card – Market Goats

Thank you, Western Illinois University Livestock Judging team, for the officials and reasons. Placing 4-3-2-1Cuts 3-5-2 The dense, powerful, traditional wether that starts is truly unmatched in his ability to blend unrivaled width of skeleton and roundness of body with the presence, coordination and look to play at a very high level. Now the biggest […]

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Stick to the Basics When Selecting your Show Goat Prospect

  Showing market goats has grown in immense popularity during the past two decades. As the competition has become more popular, the number of high-quality breeders has increased and the quality of show wethers has improved as a result of that. But, what should you look for in a show goat that can get you to the […]

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Making the Transition from Spring to Summer with your Show Livestock

Throughout the country, hints of spring are everywhere. And while many spring shows have been canceled or postponed through March and April, your show livestock projects are likely still a priority as you prepare for the potential of summer shows. Use this extra time of social distancing to work with your animals and practice your showmanship skills. Since the jackpot […]

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Mark That Card: Market Goats

Placing: 1-4-2-3 Cuts: 2-5-3 I like the Market Goats 1-4-2-3. Among the pair of elite, high-quality wethers, the more exotic, dark headed wether is simply the hardest to make. Not only is he round bodied and impressively expressive in terms of shape up high, but where that one truly separates himself from his contemporaries is in his ability to combine his power with an athletic […]

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Plan Ahead When Hauling Livestock in Adverse Weather

Wouldn’t it be nice if every livestock show was just a short drive from home? And wouldn’t it be even more ideal if we could haul our livestock in 55-degree weather with no humidity, no storms, and dry, clear roads? Unfortunately, there is no “utopia” for hauling livestock to shows, even if you live 20 […]

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Misconceptions about Managing Livestock Body Temperature in the Winter

Humans tend to worry about the weather and the outside temperature. And rightfully so, especially if you are involved in agriculture. Your crop planting, growing and harvest times rely heavily on the weather. And, when you have livestock, you want to keep them safe from the elements and provide them as much comfort as you […]

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