Minimize Their Stress, Maximize Your Success

Stress. It is in our lives every day. Some stress can have a positive effect but more times than not we think of stress as something that causes a negative reaction to our bodies and minds. Just like humans, animals also experience their share of stress; however, they react differently to stress, often going off […]

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When Two Supplements Make a Winning Combination

You’ve invested a lot of time, effort and money into your show livestock to make sure they excel to their maximum potential. Ensuring they stay healthy and keep performing until they reach their endpoint is always a top priority. To maintain their health and performance make sure you are providing them with the best nutrition […]

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The Science Behind Feeding for Success: Consistency & Simplicity

Feeding your show livestock is part of a daily routine. But did you know there is a science behind that routine? It might seem convenient to feed your livestock twice a day, approximately 12 hours apart, but that routine plays into the consistency that animals rely on and need to keep their digestive tract working […]

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How Three Clicks Can Help Lead to Improved Health

Good health starts in the gut. If your digestive tract is healthy, the rest of your body should be healthy, and that is true for humans and animals alike. However, you don’t always have control over your environment, what or who has been in your space before you, and that is why it is vital […]

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Walking a Fine Line: How to Feed for Early Jackpots and Later Shows

There’s something about the spirit of competition that drives livestock exhibitors. Even in the dead of winter, cattle enthusiasts will bundle up, run bucket heaters to keep their aerosol cans working and pull to a jackpot show for consecutive weekends to get their fresh calves out to compete. All of this knowing that their final […]

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