The days are getting longer, and the sun is finally showing up, meaning temperatures are slowly rising. Youth are counting down the days until school’s out, and that can only mean one thing – summer show season will soon be here! Summer shows give the exhibitor the opportunity to showcase all their efforts, but that […]
Tag: Sure Champ Extreme
Feeding for Success: Sure Champ® Offers Practical Supplements for Show Livestock
A new year means setting new goals. However, with all livestock projects, the goal remains the same – to keep your animals eating and drinking so they gain and perform to their highest potential to capture as many wins as possible. The Sure Champ line of supplements was designed to proactively help livestock #PreptoWin during the challenges created by the […]
Tips for Winter Skin and Hair Care
Keeping your show cattle looking good in the winter should be a snap, right? Turn them out in the cold, and let their hair grow. However, the bitter cold combined with the harsh winds sucks the moisture from the animals’ hide, leading to unhealthy skin and dried out hair, if not properly cared for. Especially if you are exhibiting […]
Winter Management: Controlling Stress in Varying Temperatures
As we move into winter, it is hard to know what the temperatures are going to be like. You might be bundled up tight for morning chores, but by noon are ready to start shedding layers as the sun warms us up. Imagine being a haired up show animal during this same time frame, except they can’t […]
4 Steps to Getting Market Animals Ready for Their Final Shows
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. This rings true if you are in a job interview, on a first date or leading or driving your favorite animal into the ring. Sure, you and your family have had the opportunity to spend hours, even days studying structure, muscle, condition, hair and […]
Making the Transition from Spring to Summer with your Show Livestock
Throughout the country, hints of spring are everywhere. And while many spring shows have been canceled or postponed through March and April, your show livestock projects are likely still a priority as you prepare for the potential of summer shows. Use this extra time of social distancing to work with your animals and practice your showmanship skills. Since the jackpot […]