Misconceptions about Managing Livestock Body Temperature in the Winter

Humans tend to worry about the weather and the outside temperature. And rightfully so, especially if you are involved in agriculture. Your crop planting, growing and harvest times rely heavily on the weather. And, when you have livestock, you want to keep them safe from the elements and provide them as much comfort as you […]

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When to Feed Spark® vs Extreme

You’ve spent hours upon hours in the barn working on your show livestock projects. You’ve got skin conditioned, hair worked, the animals trained to walk, drive or lead and you’re ready to show them. There’s just one problem. They haven’t found their way to the feed pan, and they just aren’t performing like they should. […]

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Top Five Reasons Why Show Animals Go Off Feed and How to Prevent It

A lot of people change their eating habits with the seasons. Nothing is more satisfying on a cold winter day than a hot bowl of soup, but for most that doesn’t sound the least bit appetizing when the temperatures soar to 90-degrees and hotter, especially when you add in the humidity. We might prefer something […]

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Four Tips to Fight Flies

What’s the buzz? Well, this time of year, the buzz you are hearing can only be one thing, flies. As temperatures rise, bugs and particularly flies begin to repopulate, and it doesn’t matter which species of livestock you show, pesky flies are a nuisance to everyone. They like to invade our barns, bite at our […]

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5 Tips to keeping your animals cool all summer

Summer temperatures are heating up, and the stakes are higher than ever. As the sun stays out longer, your days and hours in the barn get longer, but your time to prepare for the next big show gets shorter. Yet, no matter how many hours you put in or how much effort you make to […]

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How to Beat the Heat EVERY. DAY.

It’s that wonderful, but challenging time of year for weather patterns. Bundle up in a hoody to do morning chores before school, and by after school, you’re likely to be out there feeding, exercising and rinsing in shorts and a T-shirt. If you think dressing for the temperature shifts are a challenge, try being a show […]

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