It’s that wonderful, but challenging time of year for weather patterns. Bundle up in a hoody to do morning chores before school, and by after school, you’re likely to be out there feeding, exercising and rinsing in shorts and a T-shirt. If you think dressing for the temperature shifts are a challenge, try being a show […]
Tag: Sure Champ Extreme
The Basics of Biotin
Biotin. We hear a lot about it when it comes to hair and hoof growth. But what is biotin and how does it work? Also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H (for hair), biotin is responsible for the synthesis of keratin, a hard, structural protein essential for hair and hoof production. The body needs […]
Texas Teen Works Hard Every Day to Get to Winner’s Circle
Young Texas livestock exhibitors get a unique experience each winter and spring, with the opportunity to compete in the six “Texas Majors” throughout the state. These six shows are the culmination of months of hard work, hours upon hours in the barn, proper feeding and management and at most shows, the chance to showcase just […]
Picking the Perfect Show Lamb Prospect
Some people are born with the natural ability to pick out quality show livestock. Others develop the talent over time. Regardless of your current skill level, one thing that can help young livestock exhibitors trying to pick out their next show lamb prospect is to find out what the lamb’s parents look like and what […]
Picking the Perfect Show Pig Prospect
There is something very exciting about picking out your next set of show animals. If you’re looking for just the right show pig prospects for the World Pork Expo or CPS Summer Type Conference, you’ve probably already had your fair share of disposable plastic booties on checking out pigs on various farms or watching online […]
From Natural Grazers to the Show Ring: What you Need to Know about your Animals’ Health
If you are even somewhat familiar with the Bible or early American History, you’ll likely notice an absence of mention of livestock shows and expositions. However, Psalm 50:10, does mention “cattle on a thousand hills” and we know that Spanish explorers brought the first cattle to current-day Florida in the early 1500s. However, it wasn’t […]