Jackpot Shows: 4 Reasons they’re MORE than a Weekend Trip

Competitive nature and livestock enthusiast are two terms that go hand in hand. During the winter and early spring, this is on full display as livestock exhibitors travel up and down the state and across the country to attend jackpot shows. For consecutive weekends, livestock families pull to shows, spend their time bundled in layers, […]

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How to Make a Smooth Transition

Bringing home new show animals and getting them settled in the barn is exciting for young exhibitors and their families. However, those feelings are not always shared with the livestock, as the animals more than likely are feeling stressed and anxious. They are in an unfamiliar environment with new people and other new animals. Livestock […]

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Our Six Tips to Successfully Halter Breaking Calves

Summer is winding down, and the busy fall and winter show season is just around the corner. As older calves’ show careers end, a new project is just beginning. Though you may want to jump right in and head to a show, your road to success starts at home with halter breaking. The way you […]

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Tips for Commingling Show Pig Prospects

Nothing is more exciting for young livestock exhibitors than getting new show prospects into the barn. For many youths with winter shows, it won’t be long until it will be time to start picking out and bringing home new show pig projects. However, there’s not much more frustrating than battling a barn of sick young […]

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Advice for Selecting your Next Show Heifer or Steer

You’ve decided you want to show a steer or heifer, and it is prime time to start the selection and purchase process for your new project. There are magazines nearly two inches thick promoting every show steer open house in the Midwest; and then you start looking at all the online sales. It is easy […]

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Four Tips to Fight Flies

What’s the buzz? Well, this time of year, the buzz you are hearing can only be one thing, flies. As temperatures rise, bugs and particularly flies begin to repopulate, and it doesn’t matter which species of livestock you show, pesky flies are a nuisance to everyone. They like to invade our barns, bite at our […]

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