We say Junior Nationals, and you could come back with a variety of responses. “Best week of the year.” “Family vacation.” “Where I make new friends and reconnect with old friends each year.” “The show I want to win someday.” “The best show I’ve ever won.” Whatever your response, we know that you work hard […]
5 Tips for Picture Perfect Photo Contest Entry
By Sarah Tisdel Photography contests are a great way to not only have fun, but to improve your skills as an aspiring photographer. Best of all? You don’t need the most expensive camera to win. Check out some tips you can use to wow the judges in the next contest you enter. #PrepToWin by reading all […]
Tips for Summer Lamb & Goat Care
Summertime means show time for many lamb and goat exhibitors. However, keeping your lambs and goats fresh, feeling and looking their best can be challenging, especially during the hottest parts of the year. With some persistence and consistency to your schedule, you can ease the challenges and keep your small ruminants feeling great and show […]
Junior Nationals #PreptoWin Resources
Junior Nationals are just around the corner and the show ring isn’t the only place for competition at the shows. As you get your cattle ready, don’t forget to #PreptoWin for the extracurricular contests that take place at the show. Whether its the quiz bowl, speech contest or sales talk, we are putting together the […]
Tyler Allan and Sarah Tisdel Named Sure Champ Summer Interns
What is better than one Sure Champ® summer intern? If you answered, two interns, you absolutely are correct! And in 2021, two bright, highly talented young college students will be hitting the road as the Sure Champ Summer Tour interns to help promote the message of Sure Champ and BioZyme®, network with young exhibitors and […]
Sure Champ Leadership Team Creates Young Advocates
Helping build young industry leaders is vitally important to BioZyme® Inc’s mission of “care that comes full circle.” This marks the second year for the Sure Champ® Leadership Team, a group of outstanding youth selected to receive scholarships to attend one of four leadership conferences. In return for their scholarship, these youth will help promote […]