National Western Exhibitor Uses Fresh Ideas for Traditional Contest

Tradition is an important part of the National Western Stock Show, and this year marked the 85th year for one of its longest-standing, educational traditions – the Catch-A-Calf Program. Shane Dawson participated in the 2020 Catch-A-Calf (CAC) Contest, and after nine months of feeding, caring and preparing for the Contest, she and her calf reached their […]

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Mark That Card – Charolais Heifers

Placing: 2-4-1-3 Cuts: 4-2-2 2-4-1-3 is how I like the Charolais heifers. In a group of quality females that presents lots of challenges, I never questioned tying into the 2 heifer. Not only is she a standout in regard to stoutness of feature, power and maternal body shape, but it’s truly impressive she tandems this […]

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Jackpot Shows: 4 Reasons they’re MORE than a Weekend Trip

Competitive nature and livestock enthusiast are two terms that go hand in hand. During the winter and early spring, this is on full display as livestock exhibitors travel up and down the state and across the country to attend jackpot shows. For consecutive weekends, livestock families pull to shows, spend their time bundled in layers, […]

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Mark That Card: Simmental Heifers

Placing: 3-4-1-2 Cuts: 3-2-4 I like the Simmental Heifers 3412. One look from the side and 3’s got the most intriguing pieces to tie to. Not only is she overwhelming in terms of body, volume and power, but to be so massive, it’s awfully unique she remains so fresh and attractive up front, with all […]

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Plan Ahead When Hauling Livestock in Adverse Weather

Wouldn’t it be nice if every livestock show was just a short drive from home? And wouldn’t it be even more ideal if we could haul our livestock in 55-degree weather with no humidity, no storms, and dry, clear roads? Unfortunately, there is no “utopia” for hauling livestock to shows, even if you live 20 […]

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Misconceptions about Managing Livestock Body Temperature in the Winter

Humans tend to worry about the weather and the outside temperature. And rightfully so, especially if you are involved in agriculture. Your crop planting, growing and harvest times rely heavily on the weather. And, when you have livestock, you want to keep them safe from the elements and provide them as much comfort as you […]

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