Mark That Card: Hereford Heifers

Thank you Jensen Bros. Herefords of Courtland, KS for providing the class and Huncovsky Marketing for the photos. Placing 2-4-1-3 Cuts 4-2-2 2413 is my ranking of the Hereford heifer calves. There’s no shortage of structural quality in this set, but 2’s elite balanced look and overwhelming stoutness and performance makes her the frontrunner. 2 […]

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Tips to Successfully Break your Show Pigs

It’s no secret that once you get your new show prospects home your young exhibitors are anxious to get to the barn, get acquainted and get them show broke. However, with anything worth doing, there is a process that needs to be followed, and when working with little show pig projects, patience and consistency is […]

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Cattle Health & Nutrition Go Hand-in-Hand when Getting Started on Feed

The excitement of buying your new show calf projects can be overwhelming. You’ve likely driven lots of miles to find just the “right ones” that will match your desired end-point, and now it’s time to bring them home and get them on feed. However, getting your show calves on a feeding program isn’t as simple […]

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Good Health Begins with Digestive Health

Change is never easy on your calf’s health. Any time you change its environment, feeding program or routine, it is likely to get a little stressed out. And that stress impacts its gut health, which can lead to bigger health challenges if not taken care of immediately. Did you know that 70% of animals’ immune […]

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Show Mom Perspective: How to Equip your Show Pig Project

Showing livestock becomes more competitive each year. And parents, beware. The necessary equipment and supplies probably seem a little different than when you showed. For excited pig showmen, the list might seem daunting for such a small animal, but we talked to seasoned stock show mom, Riley Ann Price, Snyder, Texas, and she broke her […]

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