From Weaning to the Winner’s Circle

Three families had a night they won’t soon forget when the grand and reserve grand champion market barrows were selected at the 2018 National Western Stock Show. Two young people, 11-year-old Payton Rodgers and 9-year-old Weston Lackey, both agree they were so excited and even in shock when they were awarded the gigantic purple banners. […]

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Why Appetite is Important to Your Show Livestock

Management is key to your success with show animals. But management refers to more than just skin and hair care or having the latest and greatest in equipment and products. The heart of good management starts with a sound nutrition program, and feeding your animals correctly to maximize their look. “If your animal’s appetite is […]

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How to Prevent Livestock Heat Stress in Winter

Winter temperatures have settled in. You’re focused on keeping cattle fed, water tanks thawed for your livestock, and hoping that old show heifer doesn’t calve in snow bank and end up with a baby with frozen ears. Heat stress in your show animals seems like a distant challenge to think about in another six months. […]

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Gut Health Impacts Behavior

So far in our Gut Health Series we have covered the implications of good gut health on digestion and absorption, as well as its correlation to immunity. However, research has proven that good gut health also has a profound impact on animal behavior. Often taken for granted, the proportion of good vs bad bacteria in […]

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Mark That Card: Club Lamb Ewes Results

Placing: 2-4-1-3 Cuts: 5-2-4 Reasons: 2413. To me it only makes sense to start the most massive female that’s still attractive on the profile while still putting it on a functional foundation. I like that she’s refined about her head neck, and chest then transitions into a round and maternal center, and then plants the […]

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Gut Health Impacts Immunity

In the first installment of our “Importance of Gut Health” series, we covered the impact of good gut health on digestion and absorption. This next segment will focus on the implications of good gut health on immunity. In biology, immunity is the balanced state of having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other […]

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