show cattle nutrition

A Guide to Show Cattle Nutrition 

Show Cattle Nutrition Show cattle nutrition is a lot more complex than taking a feed scoop and filling a feed pan. You want to make sure your show cattle have the balanced nutrition they need. A balanced show cattle ration includes protein, energy, fat, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and supplements. Additionally, you will want to […]

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show animals

How to Care for Your Show Animals 

Show Animals Showing livestock is a fun and exciting way to raise your family, teach young people responsibility, and, most of all, make lasting memories with family and friends. Regardless of which species you show, animals require a lot of effort to maximize their genetic potential. You want to make sure they look their best […]

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Sure Champ®’s Guide to Reduce Heat Stress in Cattle 

Warmer temperatures are quickly approaching, and that means you should start thinking about how to reduce heat stress in cattle. Heat stress is almost inevitable, but some management practices can be implemented to help animals better cope with rising temperatures.  All mammals regulate their internal body temperature involuntarily. Heat stress occurs when the animal’s ability to […]

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Manage Temperature Stress in any Season with Vita Charge® Climate Control

The seasons are changing, and summer’s heat is going away. But that doesn’t mean that heat stress or temperature stress isn’t an issue with show livestock. Manage your show animal’s temperature and keep them feeling and looking their best no matter the season. One simple way to manage heat stress is with Vita Charge® Climate […]

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Joint Juice: A Supplement that Stands Out Against the Competition

For livestock exhibitors there are a plethora of options that exist when it comes to supplements. Choices are plentiful for skin and hair health, digestive health, adding fill, taking away belly, supporting bone and joint health and more. There is one supplement that will help you stand out against the competition, and it should be […]

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Give your Show Livestock an Added Boost

Showing livestock is thrilling yet challenging. It’s a game of high rewards and even higher risks. Exhibitors and their families put in countless hours feeding, exercising, rinsing, working hair and skin, often sacrificing their own meal times and routines to ensure their livestock are dialed in for the next show or event. One thing livestock […]

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