Depending on your location or what species you show, jackpot season is here or rapidly approaching. Jackpot shows are a great way to give your animals a warmup – get them out on the show road and give them the experience of getting out of your home barn, into the show ring and before a […]
Category: Pig Feeding Strategies
Sure Champ® Joint Juice Will Give the Judge Something Good to Talk About
First in a Series: BioZyme Products Help You #PreptoWin Have you heard the judge say your steer is coarse-jointed, or that your ewe needs to take a longer stride? How many times have you heard the judge say your barrow has swollen joints, or your doe needs to be freer moving? As you know, you […]
The Importance of Reading a Feed Tag
Walk into any feed room in any barn, and what do you see? Rows of neatly stacked bags that look very similar. It doesn’t matter what species you are feeding; the differential is in the brand. One brand might be purple and black, another green and white and another tan and orange; but bag after bag will […]
Top Five Reasons Why Show Animals Go Off Feed and How to Prevent It
A lot of people change their eating habits with the seasons. Nothing is more satisfying on a cold winter day than a hot bowl of soup, but for most that doesn’t sound the least bit appetizing when the temperatures soar to 90-degrees and hotter, especially when you add in the humidity. We might prefer something […]
The Ingredients in your Feed Pan Maximize Genetic Potential
Feeding our show livestock projects becomes second nature as soon as we get those animals home and in our own barn. We know they need to be fed twice a day, 12 hours apart, and most importantly, they need a constant supply of fresh, clean cool water. However, the ingredients in the feed pan all […]
The Science Behind Feeding for Success: Consistency & Simplicity
Feeding your show livestock is part of a daily routine. But did you know there is a science behind that routine? It might seem convenient to feed your livestock twice a day, approximately 12 hours apart, but that routine plays into the consistency that animals rely on and need to keep their digestive tract working […]