#1 Do Your Homework Prior to the Sale Most breeders go to the extent of organizing a catalog for review prior to the sale. These catalogs contain pertinent information about breed, date of birth, pedigrees and EPDs. If this is your first time to purchase from a particular breeder, make a phone call well before […]
Category: In the Ring
Mentor Contest Winning Entries
The livestock industry is filled with amazing, selfless people who generously donate their time to others. In an effort to help recognize all of those who we hold dear to our hearts for their commitment to making a difference, we asked our customers and followers to submit a photo and comment about their mentor. Below […]
2015 Oklahoma Youth Expo Champion Videos
Sure Champ is a proud supporter of the 100th Anniversary of the Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE). OYE is the largest youth livestock show in the world, and every year we are even more impressed with the quality of kids and livestock. Continue to check back as we add more Grand Drive videos from this week’s […]
The Drive to Succeed
By, Christy Lee Couch, Excerpt from DRIVE Magazine Article High school can be brutal. The pressure to fit in. Deadlines, practices and schedules galor. And, let’s not forget the dances, parties and friends. Sometimes, it can be tough to find balance, and to set the priorities to reach your goals with your livestock projects. Kyle […]
Hogs Raise Kids
By, Allie Doise Over 1,000 exhibitors gathered at the Lamar Dixon Exposition Center the last weekend in February for the annual LSU State Livestock Show. As usual, the barn was full of more than just showmen. It was full of families; dads, moms, sisters, brothers, grandparents, cousins, etc. In the swine barn, there was a […]
Find Me the Money
By, Christy Lee Couch, Excerpt from DRIVE magazine article Sale day at the livestock show. It’s a day full of emotions – nervousness about letting go of an animal who’s become a pal; excitement about reaching the pinnacle of a show season; and anticipation about the selling price, the reward for months of hard work […]