It’s that wonderful, but challenging time of year for weather patterns. Bundle up in a hoody to do morning chores before school, and by after school, you’re likely to be out there feeding, exercising and rinsing in shorts and a T-shirt. If you think dressing for the temperature shifts are a challenge, try being a show […]
Category: Nutrition
The Basics of Biotin
Biotin. We hear a lot about it when it comes to hair and hoof growth. But what is biotin and how does it work? Also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H (for hair), biotin is responsible for the synthesis of keratin, a hard, structural protein essential for hair and hoof production. The body needs […]
When Two Supplements Make a Winning Combination
You’ve invested a lot of time, effort and money into your show livestock to make sure they excel to their maximum potential. Ensuring they stay healthy and keep performing until they reach their endpoint is always a top priority. To maintain their health and performance make sure you are providing them with the best nutrition […]
Which Supplement is a Must for Show Livestock
Choosing the right supplement for your show livestock project can be a mind boggling. Do a quick Google search of “Livestock Show Supplements” and you’ll find hundreds of gels, pastes, pellets and grains to add to your livestock feed to enhance about every trait imaginable. You can find supplements to convert muscle mass, create muscle […]
How Three Clicks Can Help Lead to Improved Health
Good health starts in the gut. If your digestive tract is healthy, the rest of your body should be healthy, and that is true for humans and animals alike. However, you don’t always have control over your environment, what or who has been in your space before you, and that is why it is vital […]
Good Health Begins with Digestive Health
Change is never easy on your calf’s health. Any time you change its environment, feeding program or routine, it is likely to get a little stressed out. And that stress impacts its gut health, which can lead to bigger health challenges if not taken care of immediately. Did you know that 70% of animals’ immune […]