Placing: 2-4-1-3
Cuts: 3-2-4

I like the Angus Bulls 2-4-1-3. That short tail 2 bull’s undeniable power and body shape paired with a functional skeleton positions him as my herd sire of choice. Personally, his balanced look from the profile is best complimented with a masculine, beef bull look. Plus, step behind the cattle, and his clear advantage in muscularity will enable his sire group to rise to the top, whether geared for seedstock or commercial production. Now, 4’s upheaded and ultra level look grabs your attention from the start. I just wish the flatter foreribbed, narrower pinned bull came with the same power.
Both bulls in middle pair have value in a herd bull battery. But, if your goal is to improve length of body, structure and add a quality look to the next generation, I’d bet on 4. Watch the cattle go and 4’s slope of shoulder and knee allows him to maintain a more comfortable spine. Yet, it’s hard to deny 1’s depth of rib and more rugged appearance doesn’t hold merit for the right program. But, it’s the straight shouldered bull’s structure that makes him my 3rd pick. In the final decision, I relied on my first impression of performance and extra body shape to drive the 1 over 3 mark. It wouldn’t surprise me if the neat necked and smoother shouldered 3 bull read the most impressive in his calving ease column. And I’d trust the sounder structured bull out on heifers. Without ages, it’s hard to make a case for the frailest featured and flattest made bull that clearly falls behind in performance.