Mark That Card: Hereford Heifers

Thank you PD Miller with Show Cattle Connection for providing placings and officials for this class.

Placing: 3412
Cuts: 4-6-2

I sorted the Hereford Heifers 3412. The elite look, presence and skeletal quality of the loud marked, white legged heifer is quick to sift her to the top of my card. But when that out there look is backed by an awesome, cowy body shape and the thickness to keep real world fundamentals in mind, that’s when I’ll say she’s truly hard to make and use her to win. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that the high performing 4 heifer stands out as the class leader for growth and stoutness while still being so long term in the set to her shoulder, the build of her hind leg and the squareness of hoof she’s got down low. It’s just comparatively where she isn’t quite as unique. The plainer chested heifer reads to have a shot more shoulder and throat, yet still isn’t as dimensional out of her upper hip, so I’ll leave her second.

But with that being said, she’s still good looking, feminine and smooth, so when the stouter, higher performing heifer has the advantage in look; it only makes sense to keep the middle 4/1. Now no doubt the light colored 1 heifer is as moderate and bold bodied as any, it’s just that’s a double edged sword cause I need to stretch her out from the side and clean up the crest of her neck to make her a true top pair contender.

Still, moderate good bodied cattle make the world go round and at this stage of the game I’m more comfortable with the bolder foreribbed horned heifers added depth and shape of body to keep the bottom 1/2. Now as a bred I may certainly switch the pair as 2’s undoubtedly the neater necked, smoother shouldered and more feminine option. She’s got the pieces of look that make them good in the end, but that’s only if she bodies down with time. Today the flattest foreribbed, tightest flanked heifer needs to be more pliable in her center body and have more stoutness for me. So I’ll make the tough call to leave a good one 4th.

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