It is NO secret. It is A LOT more fun to work on achieving a healthy hair coat in the winter and early spring. Outside temperatures are cooler, cattle are shaggy, and they are naturally growing plenty of hair on their own. But growing hair for the summer is a different story. You go out […]
Tag: Daily Care
Picking the Perfect Show Lamb Prospect
Some people are born with the natural ability to pick out quality show livestock. Others develop the talent over time. Regardless of your current skill level, one thing that can help young livestock exhibitors trying to pick out their next show lamb prospect is to find out what the lamb’s parents look like and what […]
Picking the Perfect Show Pig Prospect
There is something very exciting about picking out your next set of show animals. If you’re looking for just the right show pig prospects for the World Pork Expo or CPS Summer Type Conference, you’ve probably already had your fair share of disposable plastic booties on checking out pigs on various farms or watching online […]
How to Maximize the Space in your Trailer
Packing a trailer for a show can feel like a life-size version of Tetris. You have a limited amount of space with a long list of show supplies, equipment and feed that you and your livestock will need when you reach your destination. It doesn’t take a high-level engineering class to figure out how to […]
Increasing Energy with Fat is Balancing Act
Balancing your rations for your show livestock projects takes practice and a knowledge of what feedstuffs impact the animals in different ways. You want your calf, lamb, goat or pig to grow, develop lean muscle shape and stay structurally sound all while staying on feed from the time you get your project until they reach […]
How to Efficiently Exercise your Show Lambs and Goats
The purple banner. It’s every showman’s goal to walk out of the show ring with the royal purple banner, the sign of a champion. But that banner isn’t given freely. It takes work, dedication and the knowledge and effort of a proper nutrition and exercise regimen. In Dayton, Pa., there is a 13-year-old who has […]