Increase Digestive Health and Nutrient Absorption with Spark®

Chances are, you’ve heard someone say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” And that is sound advice. However, if you can enhance a product you already use and increase its effectiveness that creates a win for everyone. Show feed is just like any other product. Everyone has a favorite brand, and a mix or […]

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Why Appetite is Important to Your Show Livestock

Management is key to your success with show animals. But management refers to more than just skin and hair care or having the latest and greatest in equipment and products. The heart of good management starts with a sound nutrition program, and feeding your animals correctly to maximize their look. “If your animal’s appetite is […]

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Gut Health Impacts Immunity

In the first installment of our “Importance of Gut Health” series, we covered the impact of good gut health on digestion and absorption. This next segment will focus on the implications of good gut health on immunity. In biology, immunity is the balanced state of having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other […]

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Managing Show Goats Growth is Better Than Holding

You’ve dedicated a lot of time and effort with your show goat project – feeding, grooming and exercising it. You are 30 days from the show – and when your goat steps on the scale, you realize he’s a little further ahead of your goal. A month until the show is a long time, so […]

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Decreasing Disease :: Fungus Prevention for Sheep and Goats

If you’re showing sheep or goats, you’ve got to protect them from disease and fungus. Maryland native, Cooper Bounds, says that when an exhibitor goes to a show they are picking up disease and fungus from each of the animals that were in the pen before them. These, invisible, lingering germs will make your show […]

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