Manage Temperature Stress in any Season with Vita Charge® Climate Control

The seasons are changing, and summer’s heat is going away. But that doesn’t mean that heat stress or temperature stress isn’t an issue with show livestock. Manage your show animal’s temperature and keep them feeling and looking their best no matter the season. One simple way to manage heat stress is with Vita Charge® Climate […]

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How to Make a Smooth Transition

Bringing home new show animals and getting them settled in the barn is exciting for young exhibitors and their families. However, those feelings are not always shared with the livestock, as the animals more than likely are feeling stressed and anxious. They are in an unfamiliar environment with new people and other new animals. Livestock […]

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Minimize Their Stress, Maximize Your Success

Stress. It is in our lives every day. Some stress can have a positive effect but more times than not we think of stress as something that causes a negative reaction to our bodies and minds. Just like humans, animals also experience their share of stress; however, they react differently to stress, often going off […]

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When Two Supplements Make a Winning Combination

You’ve invested a lot of time, effort and money into your show livestock to make sure they excel to their maximum potential. Ensuring they stay healthy and keep performing until they reach their endpoint is always a top priority. To maintain their health and performance make sure you are providing them with the best nutrition […]

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Tips to Control Body Temps in Adverse Weather

From an outsider looking in, the life of a show animal might seem pretty pampered. Two healthy meals per day, unlimited fresh water, a nice bed to lay on that is generally cleaned up on a regular basis, typically in a temperature-controlled environment. Combine those comforts with regular skin and hair treatments by way of […]

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