Mark That Card: Simmental Heifers

Placing: 3-4-1-2 Cuts: 3-2-4 I like the Simmental Heifers 3412. One look from the side and 3’s got the most intriguing pieces to tie to. Not only is she overwhelming in terms of body, volume and power, but to be so massive, it’s awfully unique she remains so fresh and attractive up front, with all […]

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Plan Ahead When Hauling Livestock in Adverse Weather

Wouldn’t it be nice if every livestock show was just a short drive from home? And wouldn’t it be even more ideal if we could haul our livestock in 55-degree weather with no humidity, no storms, and dry, clear roads? Unfortunately, there is no “utopia” for hauling livestock to shows, even if you live 20 […]

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Misconceptions about Managing Livestock Body Temperature in the Winter

Humans tend to worry about the weather and the outside temperature. And rightfully so, especially if you are involved in agriculture. Your crop planting, growing and harvest times rely heavily on the weather. And, when you have livestock, you want to keep them safe from the elements and provide them as much comfort as you […]

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Letter of Thanks to the Livestock Industry

Our fast-paced society often doesn’t leave extra time for reflection on the little things in life that bring us the most joy and happiness. As agriculturists and livestock raisers, we know this all too well. Amongst farming, feeding and caring for livestock, daily chores, traveling to shows and our daily lives, it seems there isn’t […]

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Sure Champ 2019 Stock Show Christmas Wish List

Most retail shops you step into have a “countdown to Christmas” sign posted right inside their doorway. This year I even received a catalog from Amazon, which takes “online” shopping back one step, but makes it fun to reminisce about my own childhood, looking through the catalogs and making a list. Regardless of where you […]

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