Young Texas livestock exhibitors get a unique experience each winter and spring, with the opportunity to compete in the six “Texas Majors” throughout the state. These six shows are the culmination of months of hard work, hours upon hours in the barn, proper feeding and management and at most shows, the chance to showcase just […]
Picking the Perfect Show Lamb Prospect
Some people are born with the natural ability to pick out quality show livestock. Others develop the talent over time. Regardless of your current skill level, one thing that can help young livestock exhibitors trying to pick out their next show lamb prospect is to find out what the lamb’s parents look like and what […]
Mark that Card: Limousin Heifers
Thank you Eastern Oklahoma State Livestock Judging Team for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing: 3-2-4-1 Cuts: 532 I like the Limousin heifers 3241. In a class where quality runs deep, I’m drawn to a pair of white flanked heifers who are more attractive from the side, and yet it’s 3’s unrivaled rib and […]
Picking the Perfect Show Pig Prospect
There is something very exciting about picking out your next set of show animals. If you’re looking for just the right show pig prospects for the World Pork Expo or CPS Summer Type Conference, you’ve probably already had your fair share of disposable plastic booties on checking out pigs on various farms or watching online […]
Sure Champ Ring Leaders
Name: Kyle Murphy Hometown: Slaton, Texas Species Shown: Hogs Favorite Stock Show Memory: My favorite stock show memory is from San Antonio this year. I had the privilege to show in the same class as a boy with special needs, I think his name was Nolan. In the holding pens, he was penned right next […]
How a Company Exec Leads with a Love for Animals
“Animals represent how people should treat one another. They assume the best, they trust, they count on us and they are good communicators. For instance, my horse Tubby can’t even see me when I walk in the barn each morning, but yet he snickers at me right away. We have an instantaneous caring communicative connection,” […]