How to Set up a Show Pig Pen

Building the correct pen for your show pig is highly important in ensuring your pig is comfortable and had the necessities to perform throughout the year. In the video below, you’ll hear tips from Josh Brockman of Brockman Farms on how to set up a concrete pen. However, if you have a dirt area or […]

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September Best of the Web

If you’ve been following the Sure Champ blog for a few years now, you might remember that we used to post monthly best of the web blog posts with pictures that we received on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. We’re excited to announce that it’s back! September brought a ton of great photos from our customers […]

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Managing Show Goats Growth is Better Than Holding

You’ve dedicated a lot of time and effort with your show goat project – feeding, grooming and exercising it. You are 30 days from the show – and when your goat steps on the scale, you realize he’s a little further ahead of your goal. A month until the show is a long time, so […]

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Perseverance Pays Off

The perfect day for Burk Van Horn would be winning a wrestling match followed by winning a cattle show. When he has to choose between his favorite activities, the decision is not made lightly. The 18-year-old Franklin Community High School senior from Morgantown, Indiana manages his time in order to balance his show cattle and […]

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Couples Share Passion for Livestock in Wedding Details

It’s wedding day. And that day is not complete without the white dress, the perfect bouquet, close family and friends and an ice sculpture in the shape of a show heifer. While most weddings might not include the heifer-shaped ice sculpture, when couples marry who have a passion for livestock, chances are at least one […]

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Mark That Card: Market Steers

Market Steers Official Results Class and results provided by 4-1-3-2 Cuts: 4-3-2 I like the Market Steers 4132. The easiest thing to do in this class is to find the 4 steer and run him top. He’s a practical, powerful calf who best combines this with an attractive look on the profile. Not only is this a […]

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