By: Mollie Lastovica Success is not born overnight, but with the right combination of passion, persistence and will to win, it is achievable. Few understand this as well as Dale Hummel who has worked diligently with his family to create one of the top wether goat programs in the nation. Growing up in the stock […]
Category: In the Ring
Make Your Own Luck Supplemental Guide
Thank you for participating in our Make Your Own Luck Show Clinic. If you happened across this blog post and have not yet been to one of our clinics, be sure to check out upcoming dates in the right sidebar of the blog or on our social media sites. Below are links to some additional […]
Top Five Reasons to be a Sure Champ Intern
As the summer comes to a close, the interns are thankful for the opportunity given to us this summer. It was truly an experience like none other. We encourage every college student to apply for these internships. And here is our top 5 reasons why… 5. Learning what? Our first week at BioZyme, Inc consisted of […]
Junior National Hereford Expo Recap
What a fantastic week the Sure Champ Team had in Pennsylvania for the Junior National Hereford Expo. In addition to our customers having Grand and Reserve Grand Champions in the Steer, Bulls, Cow/Calf, Bred and Owned Heifer, Polled Owned Heifer and Horned Owned Heifer Shows we had a ton of fun meeting new faces and […]
Angus Junior National Recap
Once again the National Junior Angus Show was a huge success! The opening ceremonies kicked off the event with excited juniors, and a great performer sponsored by Sure Champ. Show day couldn’t come fast enough, and it was busy, busy for the Sure Champ crew. There were T-shirts to give out, Sure Champ customers to be […]
National Junior Angus Show to Broadcast Live
One of the largest single breed junior nationals, the National Junior Angus Show, is finally here and we are excited to announce that we will be working with Walton Webcasting to bring you live coverage of the entire show. The Sure Champ team consisting of Cody Sankey, Britney Creamer and summer intern, Laramie Priest, will […]