Mark That Card: Hampshire Boar Results

Hampshire Boars Official Results Provided by, Brice Mind, Blinn College 4-2-1-3  Cuts: 4-2-5 I like the Hampshire boars 4213. There’s a boar up top who has the right kind of build with a unique look and mass to work on a multitude of sow bases. To be more specific, the stout featured, wide constructed boar feeds out […]

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Mark That Card: Crossbred Bred Gilts Results

Scenario: Place these bred females as they are to function in a total confinement setting in North Central Iowa. The primary focus is to retain the top end of the females to substitute for an older set of sows. The firms goal is to keep soundness and build in mind. Crossbred Bred Gilts Official Results Provided […]

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