Recipes From the Ranch: Holiday Side Dishes

By, Alise Nolan, The Ranch Kitchen With the holiday season almost here, the thought of just what recipe to make is always a challenge. At our house, we have our traditional holiday favorites, like my Granny’s Cornbread Dressing, along with all the many vegetables and desserts that make our holidays complete. Years ago as a […]

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Today I’m Thankful For…Time Together

By, Rhonda McCurry In a season of appreciating what we have, one Kansas family says they are most thankful for the time they spend together on the show road. Bob and Tami Weaber are Wamego, Kansas show parents. Together with their three children, Maddie, Cooper and Wyatt, the family works morning and evening on their […]

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9 Ways to Fireproof Your Barn

Dry conditions are sparking wildfires across the nation reminding us all to take fire-safety seriously. There are easy precautions you can take to keep your livestock safe. Here is a handy fireproofing guide to help remind you of those often overlooked hazards. Clean up Keep your barn tidy, uncluttered and clean. Clear your barn of […]

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Brain Power: Unplugging with Your Livestock

Your schedule is jam packed from the time your alarm goes off in the morning until your head hits the pillow at night. Between school, sports, homework and family time it can be hard to find time for yourself to just unplug and relax. Instead of making your trip to the barn just another thing […]

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Recipes From the Ranch: Lasagna Three Ways

By, Alise Nolan, The Ranch Kitchen This month is a busy one with our local county fairs, football games and school. Throw in a few speaking contest for our youngest daughter, her market broilers and hogs, and then work, cheerleading and school and you have what most Sure Champ customers know all about….life as a […]

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Decorating Your Dorm #StockShowLife Style

By, Kaitlyn Craft, Owner of Farmhouse Market Moving away from home for your first time can be very overwhelming! One of the many decisions you have to make is how to decorate your new place you will be living, which many times are small dorms or apartments. With small spaces, organization and creative storage is […]

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