Placing: 3-4-2-1
Cuts: 3-6-2

I like the Simmental Bred Heifers, 3-4-2-1. The unrivaled tandem of maternal function and cow power found in the brown tinged 3 heifer is quick to stand out. Not only is she the boldest about her rib cage and incredibly dimensional, but to have that much power and still be so feminine and refined up front and smooth shouldered is awfully impressive. Combine this were her big feet and correct skeletal angles and I would just be the most excited to get her into production. Now I’m not saying 4 won’t make a good cow. The baldy is a moderate, good bodied, cattlemen’s kind of female who’s equipped with the structural build to last. Unfortunately, she just doesn’t couple that with the added extras of my class winner. She ties her neck in lower at the point of her shoulder and comes with more throat and chest.
Even so, I never wavered from a 4-2 sort in the middle. It’s the simple cow intangibles of body, power and natural dimension that easily favor 4. From the side, their pieces I like in 2 as good as any. She’s so up headed and elegant in the shape to her head and I like her length and extension from there back. But it’s one look from behind her and she’s a quick sort to third. The frailer featured heifer is just too flat bodied and narrow pinned.
Yet in a closer bottom pair, I’ll side with her added refinement and structural build and keep her over 1. Not only is she more feminine in her look up front, but she too is more correct in the set to her hip and hind leg, setting down with more flex and reach off her rear two. Certainly, if you wanted to flip the pair in favor of 1’s added stoutness of feature and added rib, I wouldn’t argue, as there’s no question she’s the softer bodied female who comes with bigger feet and more bone. But for me, her build poses more of a concern. The bigger shouldered heifer is the lowest pinned and the straightest in the angle to her shoulder and I just question her long term turnout longevity, so she’s fourth.