2025. A new year means a new chance to set goals, work hard and prep to win. New show strings of cattle are hitting the road to winter jackpots and national shows like National Western. Meanwhile some might be reaching their endpoints at National Western and the Texas majors. Regardless of whether you are getting started or winding up a project, one common thread holds—you don’t ever want your animal to go off feed or water. Never. Ever.
At Sure Champ®, we produce a line of products that support the health and well-being of show livestock. It’s vital to keep your animals healthy, eating and drinking before, during and after livestock shows. And that’s what our products do.
Our team understands that the ultimate goal in showing livestock is to hang the purple banner – getting to the backdrop. That’s because not only do we make and market Sure Champ products, but we also use them on our own family’s show projects. However, getting to the backdrop isn’t always as easy as it looks. That’s why we develop educational resources for exhibitors, their parents and leaders to help you #PreptoWin.
Sure Champ Has a History
In today’s competitive world, show cattle supplements are everywhere. Has it always been that way? Probably not. However, Sure Champ is celebrating its 40th birthday in 2025 – that’s 40 years of bringing customers research-proven products to help their animals succeed.
Although your grandparents likely didn’t use supplements in brightly labeled packages with easy-to-remember names, they probably did supplement their show calves’ diets. They might have used different forms of fat, milk replacer or other “supplements” to add shape, bloom or enhance hair and skin.
Show Cattle Supplements Offer Value
Show cattle supplements are important because they support cattle’s health, performance and appearance for competitions. Let’s explore some of the primary reasons show cattle supplements are valuable:
Enhanced Muscle Development
Supplements rich in protein, energy and amino acids promote lean muscle growth, which is essential for achieving the ideal body structure in show cattle. Avoid excessive fat that may lead to unwanted body fat accumulation. Additionally, be sure your cattle have a chance to turn out and run – building their muscle naturally.
Improved Coat Condition
Nutrients like omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals help improve coat shine and skin health, making cattle appear more polished. Several supplements are available to enhance coat condition; however, working skin and hair with a brush daily can greatly help your calf’s appearance.
Increased Energy Levels
Supplements containing balanced energy sources provide the stamina and vitality needed for training and handling. Energy in your calf’s diet will also help with muscle growth and development.
Digestive Health
Prebiotics, probiotics and other gut-supporting ingredients ensure proper digestion, leading to better nutrient absorption and overall health. Since 70% of the immune response starts in the digestive system, a healthy gut leads to healthier animals, and healthier animals grow and perform better. Furthermore, if your animals’ digestibility is enhanced, that digestion will warm them from the inside.
AO-Biotics® Amaferm® is a key ingredient in Sure Champ, our line of products that support the health and well-being of show livestock. Not only is Amaferm a research-proven prebiotic to enhance digestibility, but research shows that it also increases gain by .25 pounds per day, which means it stretches your feed resources further.
Support for Stress Management
Supplements with magnesium or stress-reducing ingredients can help cattle handle the stress of travel, handling and show environments. Several Sure Champ products are fast-acting and contain ingredients to help livestock alleviate stress, especially our liquids and gels.
Balanced Nutrition
Finally, supplements should fill nutritional gaps in the cattle’s regular diet, ensuring you provide all essential nutrients for optimal growth and condition. Getting the vital nutrients of vitamins and minerals into your show cattle’s diets is critical.
Show Cattle Supplements from Sure Champ
Sure Champ offers several show cattle supplements for livestock exhibitors and feeders.
Sure Champ® Cattle
Sure Champ Cattle is a pelleted, daily supplement with protein, vitamins and minerals for show livestock designed to support performance. It contains Amaferm, stimulates consistent appetite and ensures that cattle receive adequate vitamins and minerals.
Sure Champ® Cattle Drench
Sure Champ Cattle Drench is a drench for cattle designed to support digestive health before, during and after challenges. Formerly known as Vita Charge Cattle Drench, it contains enzymes that generate a more rapid digestive response. It also contains Amaferm and MOS (mannan oligosaccharides), which help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system.
More Sure Champ Products
Some Sure Champ products work on cattle and across species like sheep, goats and pigs. Here’s a brief rundown. All of these, except Sure Champ® Joint Juice, contain Amaferm.
Sure Champ® Extreme with ClariFly®
Sure Champ Extreme with ClariFly is a pelleted, daily supplement for show livestock with ClariFly designed to support hoof health, hair coat, and performance when temperatures are above 70 degrees. Designed for all species, it contains Amaferm and MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system.
It also contains HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils and garlic, and ClariFly to support animals when heat and insects are a challenge.
Sure Champ® Liquid Boost®
Sure Champ Liquid Boost is a liquid for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. Formerly known as Vita Charge Liquid Boost, it contains both Amaferm and MOS and flavoring to help drive feed or water intake.
Sure Champ® Appetite Plus Gel
Sure Champ Appetite Plus Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. Formerly known as Vita Charge Gel, it contains both Amaferm and MOS and works fast to support appetite and hydration.
Sure Champ® Climate Control Gel
Sure Champ Climate Control Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to support digestive health and recovery when temperatures are above 70 degrees. Formerly known as Vita Charge Climate Control, this gel contains Amaferm and HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils, to support animals when heat is a challenge. It promotes appetite and water intake.
Sure Champ® Clench Gel
Sure Champ Clench Gel is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. Formerly known as Vita Charge Clench Gel, it includes Amaferm and MOS, and it contains electrolytes to support rehydration.
Sure Champ® Joint Juice
Sure Champ Joint Juice is a liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice contains MHB3®, a patented high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid. It lubricates joints and supports mobility and soundness.
The Final Word
Feeding supplements, when tailored to each animal’s specific needs, can significantly impact their performance and presentation in the show ring. In addition to a balanced ration with quality supplements, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of clean, fresh water for your show cattle. Since water is the most vital nutrient to all livestock, your calf must have a constant, fresh, clean water source. Ensure your calf knows where the water tank is so it doesn’t go without it and become dehydrated. If you tie in during the day, tie low and provide drink opportunities throughout each day.
Furthermore, be sure to establish a relationship with your local veterinarian. Show cattle, like all livestock, can get sick. It is best to have a long-running relationship with your veterinarian. Whether this is your first show calf or your last year to show, you will likely face health challenges. If your veterinarian already has insights into your calves, it will make their job of caring for your animals easier. In short, having a trusted relationship with your vet is the best way to support your show barn.
Show Cattle Exhibitors Rave about Sure Champ
Don’t take our word about the quality of our Sure Champ show cattle supplements. We have customers regularly telling us what they like about the products. Here’s what they say.
Chuck Cruse, Florida
“I love your products! We have fed Sure Champ Cattle to every animal in our show barn for the last five years, and we can tell the difference. Living in South Florida, we have not had one animal hassle with the heat. We had a friend who tied in next to us at a show, and our steer was content, chewing its cud. Their steer was panting with its tongue out, and I know the difference was they don’t feed Sure Champ. But they do now! We tell all of our fellow FFA and 4-H club members about it.”
Tom Hawk, Hawk Livestock, Illinois
“We had a few heifers that weren’t drinking in Denver, and the Sure Champ Cattle Drench was recommended to us. We tried it right away, and the heifers started drinking and eating. The Amaferm really increased their appetite and got them drinking, keeping them hydrated. We love this product and have used it since Denver and will keep it in our show box as something we use to help eliminate the stress of not eating and drinking on the road.”
Cheyann Wilkins, Florida
“We have used the Sure Champ Joint Juice on our show hogs and cattle, but where we really see a difference is on our 2,200-pound Brahman bull. If he misses a day, you can really see a difference in the freedom of movement and flexibility of joints. We just put a few pumps on top of our show cattle’s feed, and they start to look for it. We have fallen in love with this product and tell others about it, every chance we get.”
Get your Sure Champ Today
Show cattle supplements are easier to purchase than ever. But that doesn’t mean you need to use every one of them! Find the difference in the Sure Champ brand, research-proven for 40 years to help increase gut health, increase appetite, help alleviate stress and much more. We hope that part of your routine will include Sure Champ products.
You can get your Sure Champ products as easily as ordering online today.
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