Sure Champ Ring Leaders

Name: Kyle Murphy

Hometown: Slaton, Texas

Species Shown: Hogs

Favorite Stock Show Memory: My favorite stock show memory is from San Antonio this year. I had the privilege to show in the same class as a boy with special needs, I think his name was Nolan. In the holding pens, he was penned right next to me. He told me a few knock knock jokes, his pig’s name, and that it was his biggest goal to make it into the “big ring” at San Antonio. When the judge complimented his showmanship skills, he grew a huge smile across his face. Of course, the whole crowd cheered. It’s really cool to see something where the whole barn came together and applauded this boys hard work. Nolan, you gave me a new perspective on life.

Favorite Sure Champ/Vita Charge product and why: My favorite product is Sure Champ® Spark®. I like it because all my pigs have taken it well and it has really boosted their overall appetite.

Why I think leadership is important: Leadership is not only a crucial aspect in life, but in the livestock industry as well. At stock shows, there are many younger people that look up to us and want to be like us. It is our job to set good examples. People look to leaders to guide their actions. Therefore, it is very important to show aspects of leadership in everything you do.

Favorite Quote: “The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is”- Jim Carrey



Name: Whitney Walker

Hometown: Prairie Grove, Arkansas

Species shown: Cattle

Favorite Stock Show Memory: During the 2015 Maine Junior Nationals, I was in the finals of intermediate showmanship. The Bloomberg’s started their top ten selection and I was pulled first! I pulled my heifer over to the rail, and was talking to my dad about how awesome it was to be tenth in a national showmanship contest! By that time the junior board had handed my dad a belt buckle, and he started laughing and told me that I wasn’t tenth, I had won. I remember holding back tears because it was the first showmanship contest I won as an intermediate on the national level. I’ll never forget that memory and always think of it as a great reminder to stay humble in and out of the ring.

Favorite Sure Champ/ Vita Charge product and why: One of my favorite products that BioZyme has developed is the Vita Charge® Liquid Boost®. When we’re on the road and have heifers that have uneasy digestion after travel or simply just don’t have an appetite at shows because of stress, it’s a good way to get their system neutralized and healthy so that they regain their appetites and are able to perform how we like.

Why do you think leadership is important: Growing up in the junior livestock industry and being surrounded by junior boards, large scale show cattle operations, and individuals that portray leadership in the livestock industry have shown me just how important it is to not only be a leader, but to be a positive role model towards everyone. There will always be someone looking up to you, younger or older than you, and it’s your responsibility to be a good influence in their life, even if it never includes a conversation. Actions speak louder than words. That’s what leadership is to me, it’s not being the boss of everyone else and taking charge all the time, leadership is having the ability to work with others cooperatively, be influential in the right way, and of course be able to step up and do what’s right when no one else will.

Favorite quote: “Be somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody.”


Name: Becca Paine

Hometown: Hutchinson, Kansas

Species Shown: Goats and Sheep

Favorite Stock Show Memory: One of my favorite stock show memories is winning both Sheep and Goat Showmanship at the 2018 Arizona National Livestock Show and celebrating with my stock show family.

Favorite Sure Champ/ Vita Charge Product: My favorite Sure Champ product is Vita Charge® Paste (transitioned to Vita Charge® Gel July 2019), and I rely on it to promote a healthy digestive system. It also helps to reduce stress in animals while hauling them to shows year-round.

Why do you think leadership is important: I believe a leader is given the unique privilege to impact the lives of others, and good leadership provides hope for success, instills confidence, and elevates others to achieve their potential.

Favorite Quote: A favorite quote of mine is, “Seek to be worth knowing rather than be well known” -Anonymous. I am so grateful and excited for this opportunity to represent Sure Champ as a Ring Leader Ambassador!!



Name: Whitney Whitaker

Hometown: Atascadero, California

Species Shown: Pigs and Sheep

Favorite Stock Show Memory: Throughout the years there has been countless shows attended but when I think about my favorite stock show memory, I go to the 2017 National Junior Summer Spectacular in Louisville, Kentucky. It was my first time showing in Kentucky and we drove the entire 48-hour trip, which is something you never forget. However, at the end of the week being selected to serve the NJSA Junior Board was a highlight that will always be my favorite.

Favorite Sure Champ or Vita Charge product and why: Vita Charge Paste (transitioned to Vita Charge® Gel July 2019) is my favorite product because it has helped keep pigs eating during stressful times, especially traveling long distances.

Why you think leadership is important: I credit any of my success in life to great leaders and mentors. Leadership is an extremely valuable skill that can be used throughout life. While it’s important to learn, grown and develop as a leader, there is always a time to lead and a time to listen.

Favorite Quote: “Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile”



Name: Kamryn Kreis

Hometown: Adamsville, Ohio

Species Shown: Pigs and Cattle

Favorite Stock Show Memory: My favorite stock show memory would be being named 3rd Overall Junior Barrow at the 2018 Ohio State Fair. The entire experience of being a part of the final drive is second to none. The nerves leading up to the final drive, being in the show ring surrounded by everyone in the barn, and getting the handshake is the feeling that every showman dreams of, and for me to be able to accomplish something that I dedicate my life to is so humbling and something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Favorite Sure Champ or Vita Charge Product and why: My favorite Vita Charge Product is Liquid Boost. I am a firm believer in this versatile product in my show barn, because it offers so many benefits in both cattle and pigs. This product is my key for keeping my pigs healthy and fresh looking throughout summer jackpots and state fair, but also a great top dress on cattle feed to keep them eating and healthy during the many miles traveled for shows or getting calves ready for sale season. Sure Champ and Vita Charge products are a big part of my success in and out of the ring!

Why do you think leadership is important: Leadership is important to me, because I strive to be a role model in and out of the show ring. I feel that it is my duty to be a mentor to all of the younger members of this industry, because I was once in their shoes, and if it would not have been for those mentors and leaders that I looked up to, then I would not be where I am today or have had the success that I’ve had during my career in the ring.

Favorite Quote: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” -Robert Collier


Name: Rylee Stockdale

Hometown: Dayton, Pennsylvania

Species: Cattle

Favorite Stock Show Memory: 3rd Overall Showman as a Junior at the 2015 National Junior Hereford Expo in Grand Island, NE

Favorite Sure Champ or Vita Charge Product and why: Sure Champ® Cattle. I top dress all my show cattle with it. We see a big difference with them staying on feed when traveling and at shows. My cattle seem to have more bloom and stay fuller, which is a big positive. I have also learned that in the region where we live that we are selenium deficient. The level of selenium in this pellet really helps us with that issue.

Why do you think leadership is important: Leadership is mission accomplishment. Mission accomplishment is achieving your goals. Achieving your goal is your primary focus when asked to take on a job.

Favorite Quote: “It doesn’t cost a dime, to be kind.” And “Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.”



Name: Cash Wren Martin

Hometown: Abernathy, TX

Species Shown: Pigs and Cattle

Favorite Stock Show Memory: Winning the Yorks at the State Fair of Texas with a lightweight.

Favorite Sure Champ or Vita Charge product and why: Vita Charge because it helps regulate the digestive system and keep stocks’ appetite consistent through travel.

Why do you think leadership is important: Leaders inspire achievement, which is critical in driving a group toward high levels of success. Leadership is essential to a movement catching momentum, but to be a leader requires no specific trait. Their example is infectious, and inspires us to be better people. Leadership is an opportunity to instill confidence through shared vision and delegation. The end game is personal growth and a futuristic mindset.

Favorite Quote: “Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”


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