Thank you Blake Goss of Goss Livestock in Leedey, OK for providing placings and officials for this class. Placing: 4213 Cuts: 3-2-4 It’s 4’s look of maternal function and build that I’m drawn to. Here’s a stout skulled, bold bladed female that is great in her body shape and ultra-wide pinned. Yet what really makes […]
Tag: show pigs
How to Beat the Heat EVERY. DAY.
It’s that wonderful, but challenging time of year for weather patterns. Bundle up in a hoody to do morning chores before school, and by after school, you’re likely to be out there feeding, exercising and rinsing in shorts and a T-shirt. If you think dressing for the temperature shifts are a challenge, try being a show […]
5 Tips to Achieve Healthy Hair in the Summer
It is NO secret. It is A LOT more fun to work on achieving a healthy hair coat in the winter and early spring. Outside temperatures are cooler, cattle are shaggy, and they are naturally growing plenty of hair on their own. But growing hair for the summer is a different story. You go out […]
The Ingredients in your Feed Pan Maximize Genetic Potential
Feeding our show livestock projects becomes second nature as soon as we get those animals home and in our own barn. We know they need to be fed twice a day, 12 hours apart, and most importantly, they need a constant supply of fresh, clean cool water. However, the ingredients in the feed pan all […]
Picking the Perfect Show Pig Prospect
There is something very exciting about picking out your next set of show animals. If you’re looking for just the right show pig prospects for the World Pork Expo or CPS Summer Type Conference, you’ve probably already had your fair share of disposable plastic booties on checking out pigs on various farms or watching online […]
Minimize Their Stress, Maximize Your Success
Stress. It is in our lives every day. Some stress can have a positive effect but more times than not we think of stress as something that causes a negative reaction to our bodies and minds. Just like humans, animals also experience their share of stress; however, they react differently to stress, often going off […]