Do you have a budding artist in your family? Or, maybe you love to pick up the crayons. We’ve got the perfect winter activity for you and your friends. Simply download one of our four Valentine’s Day Stock Show Life Coloring Contest designs and put the crayons to work. Or, feel free to do a little […]
Setting Goals and Chasing Them
It’s a new year and a new show season for many young 4-H and FFA members. When young people select and purchase their new show animals there is always a goal in mind. Perhaps it’s a dream to be in the grand drive, make the sale at a major show or win showmanship at your […]
Classy Trailer Designs: Creating Art
Late at night, when her husband and two-year-old boy are snug in their beds dreaming, Jill Skinner works to make her dreams come true by creating beautiful jewelry. She gathers turquoise and metals from her favorite dealers to create unique, custom pieces for her clients. Every piece is different, and several are one of a […]
Mark That Card: Simmental Heifers
Simmental Heifers Official Results Provided by, Blake Bloomberg, Oklahoma State University 1-2-4-3 Cuts: 4-4-7 I like the Simmental Heifers 1-2-4-3. It’s hard not to tie into the combination of look and cow power I find in the 1 female to win. Not only is she long necked and attractive, but here’s one that puts it together with […]
Recipes from the Ranch: A Little Sugar & A Little Spice
By, Alise Nolan, The Ranch Kitchen During December my daughter Bethany and I tried a few new recipes and added our own flair to them. She recently came across a recipe and it reminded her of her days in Aggieland when she loved a similar dish from their favorite taco restaurant. We recreated this recipe […]
Preparing Livestock for the Show: Weight Management
By Josh Brockman, Brockman Farms What’s the right thing to do? That’s a question I ask myself for every situation when it comes to livestock, but it’s especially true when it comes to feeding and preparing for a show from a weight standpoint. The first and most important factor to consider is to “Get a Plan” and […]