Benjamin Franklin once said, “Time is money,” and this could not be more true than today where we find ourselves juggling jobs, kids, extra curricular activities, livestock and much more. With a to-do list that seems like a mile long, why not eliminate one very time consuming thing off that list; the chore of feeding. […]
Make Your Own Mineral Feeder
Raising livestock can be a very expensive business or hobby, therefore we are always looking for new ideas that are efficient and can help reduce costs. Recently, we featured a mineral feeder idea sent to us from the Smith Family in Ohio, in our March VitaFerm Vibes newsletter. Many of our dealers and Area Sales […]
Recipes from the Ranch
We are very excited to announce that each month, loyal Sure Champ customer, Mrs. Alise Nolan, from The Ranch Kitchen Blog, will be providing us with tasty, original recipes! Alise, her husband, Scott, and three daughters, Ilissa, Bethany and Audrey, own and operate the successful Hereford ranch, Nolan Herefords in Gilmer, Texas. The Nolan family […]
Junior Spotlight: Victoria Chapman
I first met Victoria at the Oklahoma Youth Expo. I could quickly tell that this young lady’s determination and work ethic were going to take her far. This year the Oklahoma Youth Expo was a big one for Victoria. She won Overall Master Showman (a competition where you have to show multiple species) and Supreme […]
Sure Champ Joins Pinterest
You’ve been hearing about it everywhere. People talking about “pinning” things and you are seeing the red and white logo with a P, but what exactly is this website that everyone is buzzing about? Pinterest, is a “visual discovery tool that people use to collect ideas for different projects and interests”. It’s kind of like […]
Make Your Own Luck Show Clinic – Tipton, IN
We are excited to announce our first Make Your Own Luck Show Clinic of the year. The Clinic that will be held in conjunction with the Central Indiana Classic Hog Show in Tipton, Indiana on May 3. At 10:00 am we will begin the clinic that will be followed by the Classic showmanship contest, barrow and […]