The days are getting longer, and the sun is finally showing up, meaning temperatures are slowly rising. Youth are counting down the days until school’s out, and that can only mean one thing – summer show season will soon be here! Summer shows give the exhibitor the opportunity to showcase all their efforts, but that […]
Category: In the Ring
Five Jackpot Show Essentials to Keep Livestock on Feed and Water
Winter and spring are exciting times of the year for livestock exhibitors across the country. It’s time to break out the new show prospects and hit the road to jackpot shows. Don’t let those hours of hard work and days of preparation at home all be for nothing. The combination of hauling, changes in environment […]
Junior Spotlight: Paige Lemenager and Kenzie Stadtmiller
The beauty of the agriculture industry is simply our youth. There is no other industry with hardworking, determined young individuals who can make a difference no matter what they do! For the month of January, we are honored to highlight two young people that work hard, but more importantly, are role models for the next […]
Give the Judge Something to Talk About: Keep your Livestock Show Ring Ready
Second Part in a Series: BioZyme Products Help You #PreptoWin Have you ever heard the judge say your heifer needs more rib shape? Perhaps you’ve heard a judge comment that your barrow is too flat out of the backside of his blade. In other words, your animal needs to fill up, which means they need […]
Sure Champ® Joint Juice Will Give the Judge Something Good to Talk About
First in a Series: BioZyme Products Help You #PreptoWin Have you heard the judge say your steer is coarse-jointed, or that your ewe needs to take a longer stride? How many times have you heard the judge say your barrow has swollen joints, or your doe needs to be freer moving? As you know, you […]
Sam Podzimek Knows How To #PreptoWin
Sam Podzimek, an avid Sure Champ® and Vita Charge® user, says, “Cattle never go off feed or water, remain healthy and don’t get sluggish when traveling.” A good appetite, healthy stock and an energetic attitude are all a showman could want when traveling from show to show. Luckily for Podzimek, she has trusted in Sure […]